我正在努力绘制这张图,将节点放在我想要的位置。节点 2 和 7 应该稍微向下移动,以便整个图关于 x 轴对称。我相信如果你知道命令,这一定是一件非常简单的事情,但我找不到它。任何帮助都值得感激,问候。
\begin {center}
\begin {tikzpicture}[-latex ,auto ,node distance =3 cm and 3cm ,on grid ,
semithick ,
state/.style ={ circle ,top color =white , bottom color = processblue!20 ,
draw,processblue , text=blue , minimum width =1 cm}]
\node[state] (1) {1};
\node[state] (2) [right=of 1] {2};
\node[state] (3) [right=of 2] {3};
\node[state] (4) [below=of 1] {4};
\node[state] (7) [below=of 2] {7};
\node[state] (5) [right=of 7] {5};
\node[state] (6) [below=of 4] {6};
\node[state] (8) [below=of 5] {8};
\path[-] (1) edge (2);
\path[-] (1) edge (4);
\path[-] (2) edge (3);
\path[-] (2) edge (4);
\path[-] (2) edge (5);
\path[-] (3) edge (5);
\path[-] (4) edge (6);
\path[-] (4) edge (7);
\path[-] (5) edge (7);
\path[-] (5) edge (8);
\path[-] (6) edge (7);
\path[-] (7) edge (8);
%\path[-] (D) edge [bend right = 60] (E);
如有疑问,请始终提供 MWE。由于您没有,我使用standalone
documentclass 和标准颜色。此外,还tickpicture
\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, semithick,
node distance = 15mm and 30mm, on grid ,
state/.style = {circle, draw=blue,
top color=white, bottom color=blue!20 ,
text=blue, minimum size =1 cm}
\node (1) {1};
\node (2) [below right=of 1] {2}; % <---
\node (3) [above right=of 2] {3}; % <---
\node (4) [below left=of 2] {4};
\node (7) [below right=of 4] {7};
\node (5) [above right=of 7] {5};
\node (6) [below left=of 7] {6};
\node (8) [below right=of 7] {8};
\draw (1) -- (2) -- (3) -- (5) -- (2) --
(4) -- (7) -- (5) -- (8) --
(7) -- (6) --
(4) -- (1);