

如何删除“itemize”后的缩进?我希望“算法 1...”与标题和第一句从同一位置写出。

有没有比 \qquad 更好的方法来格式化文本中“输入:”和“输出:”之后的行并缩进?


\section{The Dijkstra’s algorithm}
The Dijkstra’s algorithm is used for finding shortest paths in a graph G = $\langle{V,E}\rangle$. The characteristics of the Dijkstra’s algorithm variant presented here are as follows:

    \item Works on a \underline{weighted graph}.
    \item Only \underline{non-negative weights} are allowed.
    \item Calculates minimum distances from one node $v_0$ to all the others
    \item It has the complexity of $O(\left|V\right|^2)$.

Algorithm 1 presents a pseudocode for the Dijkstra’s algorithm.\\


Inputs: \\
\qquad $G = \langle{V,E}\rangle$  & - & a weighted graph \\ 
\qquad $v_0$ & - & the initial node to determine distances from \\

Outputs: \\ 
\qquad $\forall v \in V : d(v)$ & - & a set of distances from $v0$ calculated for all nodes $v \in V$  \\
\qquad $\forall v \in V : d(p)$ & - & a set of predecessors on the shortest path from v0 \\







    \section{The Dijkstra’s algorithm}
    The Dijkstra’s algorithm is used for finding shortest paths in a graph G = $\langle{V,E}\rangle$. The characteristics of the Dijkstra’s algorithm variant presented here are as follows:
        \item Works on a \underline{weighted graph}.
        \item Only \underline{non-negative weights} are allowed.
        \item Calculates minimum distances from one node $v_0$ to all the others
        \item It has the complexity of $O(\left|V\right|^2)$.
    Algorithm 1 presents a pseudocode for the Dijkstra’s algorithm.\\
        Inputs: \\
        \qquad $G = \langle{V,E}\rangle$  & - & a weighted graph \\ 
        \qquad $v_0$ & - & the initial node to determine distances from \\
        Outputs: \\ 
        \qquad $\forall v \in V : d(v)$ & - & a set of distances from $v0$ calculated for all nodes $v \in V$  \\
        \qquad $\forall v \in V : d(p)$ & - & a set of predecessors on the shortest path from v0 \\

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