我尝试了很多次,但由于 gouplot 是新的,我不能很好地处理它,我无法旋转 x_axis 上的数字。
group style={
group size=1 by 4, % sets number of columns and rows in groupplot array
vertical sep=0pt, % vertical distance between axes
axis y line=left, % y axis line on left side only
xmin=0,xmax=10, % set axis
ymin=0, % limits
domain=1:9, % domain, just for example
width=10cm, % width
height=3cm, % and height for each axis
scale only axis, % disregard labels and ticks for scaling
no markers,
enlarge y limits=upper,
xticklabel style={/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed zerofill,precision=5} %sets the precision
ylabel style={at={(rel axis cs:0,1)},above,rotate=-90}, %move ylabel a bit
axis x line=none] % remove x-axis lines
\nextgroupplot[axis x line=none]
\addplot{-x + 10};
\nextgroupplot[axis x line=none]
axis x line=bottom, % only x axis line at bottom
xlabel style={at={(rel axis cs:1,0)},right}]
\addplot+[samples=200] {abs(sin(x*180/pi))};