使用 APA7 包时 maketitle 命令失败

使用 APA7 包时 maketitle 命令失败

我一直在努力遵循 APA7 软件包说明。我不明白为什么 \maketitle 命令不起作用。即使我将标题页放在 \begin{document} 之前,代码仍然会失败。

以下是 CTAN 上对 APA7 包的引用:http://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/apa7/apa7.pdf

% \usepackage{inputenc}
% package for including graphics with figure-environment

% colors for hyperlinks
% colored borders (false) colored text (true)

% package for bibliography
% package for header


        % \flushleft
    \Huge Project II\\
    % if you are the only author, you might use the following
    % \author{Name of student}  
    % Insert here your name and correct mail address
        \href{mailto:a}{1} \\
    % name of the course and module
    \large Course: 0 \\ 
    \large Lecturer: 0 \\

% \begin{document}


%          Problem Set 2

\pdfbookmark{\contentsname}{Problem Set 2}
\section*{Problem Set 2}




  • 不要scrlayer-scrpage与 apa7 类一起使用。该类已经使用了fancyhdr页眉和页脚的包,因此您只需使用此包中的宏即可

  • 不要figure在标题宏中使用浮动环境,这没有意义

  • hyperref在其他包之后加载

  • 你真的确定你的编码是 吗utf8x?这在新千年里很常见...

  • 不要滥用\\换行符

  • apa7有自己的机制来处理多个作者,并将诅咒或讲师等信息添加到标题页


% \usepackage{inputenc}

% package for including graphics with figure-environment

% colors for hyperlinks
% colored borders (false) colored text (true)



    \title{Project II}
    % if you are the only author, you might use the following
    % \author{Name of student}  
    % Insert here your name and correct mail address

%    % name of the course and module
        \course{Course: 0}
        \professor{Lecturer: 0}

% \begin{document}
{\flushleft  \includegraphics[width=0.26\textwidth]{example-image-duck}}



%          Problem Set 2

\pdfbookmark{\contentsname}{Problem Set 2}
\section*{Problem Set 2}



