如何在 Latex 中使用提到的字体

如何在 Latex 中使用提到的字体


截图取自 Kenneth A.Ross 所著的《初等分析:微积分理论》(第 1 版)一书。

有人能猜出这里的字体吗?我猜使用的字体是ITC Veljovic LT Book,但我不确定。其次,我们如何在 LaTex 中使用这种字体。可能吗?




正如 Урош 和 Bernard 在评论中所说,原文很可能已经设定Utopia,因此你可以使用fourier-otf(实际上是Erewhon,基于Heuristica,而又基于Utopia)与 XeLaTeX:



\textbf{Example 1}\\
Let \((s_n)\) be the sequence defined by \(s_n = n^2(-1)^n\). The
positive terms of this sequence comprise a subsequence. In this case,
the sequence \((s_n)\) is

\[(-1, 4, -9, 16, -25, 36, -49, 64,...)\]

and the subsequence is

\[(4, 16, 36, 64, 100, 144,...).\]

More precisely, the subsequence is \((s_{n_k})_{k\in\mathbb{N}}\) where
\(n_k =2k\) so that \(s_{n_k} =(2k)^2 (-1)^{2k}=4k^2\). The selection
function \(\sigma\) is given by \(\sigma(k)=2k\).




如果您确实想使用 OpenType 字体,可以尝试一下。可能有更好的方法,但这是我多年来一直使用的模板的基础。只需将“Adobe Garamond Pro”替换为您选择的字体名称即可。

\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article}

% For setting the section heading fonts

% For specifying environment fonts

% Choose the main and mono fonts:
\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX,Numbers={OldStyle,Proportional}]{Adobe Garamond Pro}
\setmonofont[Ligatures=TeX, Numbers={OldStyle,Proportional}]{Adobe Garamond Pro}

% Use ligatures via fontspec:

% Set the font for the math environment:
\setmathfont[StylisticSet=1]{Garamond-Math} % This loads Garamond-Math as the main math font...
\setmathfont[range = up/num,Numbers={OldStyle,Monospaced}]{Adobe Garamond Pro}%...and then everything except the numerals get switched for Adobe Garamond Pro (because Adobe Garamond Pro doesn't have math symbols)

\title{The title}
\author{The author}
\date{18 November 2020}

\section{A section}
Hello world.

