如何在 apacite 包中将 et al 一词变为斜体

如何在 apacite 包中将 et al 一词变为斜体

我有以下 MWE


        author =        {K'oreje, KO and Vergeynst, Leendert and Ombaka, D and
            De Wispelaere, Patrick and Okoth, Maurice and
            Van Langenhove, Herman and Demeestere, Kristof},
        journal =       {Chemosphere},
        pages =         {238--244},
        publisher =     {Elsevier},
        title =         {Occurrence patterns of pharmaceutical residues in
            wastewater, surface water and groundwater of Nairobi
            and Kisumu city, Kenya},
        volume =        {149},
        year =          {2016},

The corrections have been done as per the following chapters
\section{Preamble Pages}


LaTeX 代码可以运行,但我希望在打印版本中将单词 et al 改为斜体。我不知道如何才能做到这一点,同时仍然保持使用 apacite 包。任何帮助都将不胜感激。


apacite使用宏来本地化“et al.”之类的字符串,因此您只需重新定义相关的宏即可。这需要在完成语言选择\AtBeginDocument后进行。apacite


  \renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{\emph{et al.}\hbox{}}%
  \renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{\emph{et al.}\hbox{}}%

  author    = {K'oreje, KO and Vergeynst, Leendert and Ombaka, D
               and De Wispelaere, Patrick and Okoth, Maurice
               and Van Langenhove, Herman and Demeestere, Kristof},
  journal   = {Chemosphere},
  pages     = {238--244},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  title     = {Occurrence Patterns of Pharmaceutical Residues in
               Wastewater, Surface Water and Groundwater of {Nairobi}
               and {Kisumu City}, {Kenya}},
  volume    = {149},
  year      = {2016},



K'oreje 等人(2016 年)

如果你使用的是带有新钩子管理系统的 LaTeX 版本(2020-10-01 或更高版本),则可能需要使用\AtBeginDocument带有规则的标记钩子来确保正确的执行顺序


  \renewcommand{\BOthers}[1]{\emph{et al.}\hbox{}}%
  \renewcommand{\BOthersPeriod}[1]{\emph{et al.}\hbox{}}%
