在 colorbox 中,输入{table.tex} 失败并带有标题,但没有标题则成功

在 colorbox 中,输入{table.tex} 失败并带有标题,但没有标题则成功



MWE 1.(无标题,工作正常):

$ pdflatex test.tex


% formatting

% figures

% tables

% date


\section*{section with table}
  \textit{min, max, mean, variance of all features.}



% command to generate
% pd.DataFrame(
%     {
%         "mean":np.mean(X,axis=0),\
%         "var":np.var(X,axis=0),\
%         "max":np.max(X,axis=0),\
%         "min":np.min(X,axis=0)
%     }).to_latex(buf="table.tex")

{} &         mean &           var &        max &        min \\
0  &   241.601104 &  8.349917e+01 &    253.000 &  193.50000 \\
1  &   227.376571 &  9.262559e+01 &    249.000 &  152.50000 \\
2  &   241.554150 &  3.528634e+01 &    252.500 &  214.25000 \\
3  &   232.826768 &  9.762573e+01 &    252.500 &  152.50000 \\
4  &  3089.923365 &  1.565151e+07 &  31048.000 &   10.00000 \\
5  &   928.259020 &  3.081762e+06 &  13630.000 &    0.00000 \\
6  &   138.093830 &  4.439517e+05 &   9238.000 &    0.00000 \\
7  &     3.248579 &  8.219485e+00 &    125.170 &    0.00000 \\
8  &     6.498653 &  6.405048e+00 &     19.167 &    0.87589 \\
9  &     2.097139 &  4.363440e+00 &     13.230 &    0.00000 \\
10 &     4.217660 &  4.086372e+00 &     66.761 &    0.00000 \\
11 &     2.691718 &  2.198778e+00 &     73.902 &    0.00000 \\
12 &    10.271590 &  4.046462e+02 &    975.040 &    0.99049 \\
13 &     5.781481 &  3.406521e+03 &    797.200 & -999.90000 \\



MWE 2.(带标题,编译器错误):

$ pdflatex test_caption.tex


% formatting

% figures

% tables

% date


\section*{section with table}
  \textit{min, max, mean, variance of all features.}



% command to generate
% pd.DataFrame(
%     {
%         "mean":np.mean(X,axis=0),\
%         "var":np.var(X,axis=0),\
%         "max":np.max(X,axis=0),\
%         "min":np.min(X,axis=0)
%     }).to_latex(buf="caption_table.tex",\
%                 caption="this is a caption")

\caption{this is a caption}
{} &         mean &           var &        max &        min \\
0  &   241.601104 &  8.349917e+01 &    253.000 &  193.50000 \\
1  &   227.376571 &  9.262559e+01 &    249.000 &  152.50000 \\
2  &   241.554150 &  3.528634e+01 &    252.500 &  214.25000 \\
3  &   232.826768 &  9.762573e+01 &    252.500 &  152.50000 \\
4  &  3089.923365 &  1.565151e+07 &  31048.000 &   10.00000 \\
5  &   928.259020 &  3.081762e+06 &  13630.000 &    0.00000 \\
6  &   138.093830 &  4.439517e+05 &   9238.000 &    0.00000 \\
7  &     3.248579 &  8.219485e+00 &    125.170 &    0.00000 \\
8  &     6.498653 &  6.405048e+00 &     19.167 &    0.87589 \\
9  &     2.097139 &  4.363440e+00 &     13.230 &    0.00000 \\
10 &     4.217660 &  4.086372e+00 &     66.761 &    0.00000 \\
11 &     2.691718 &  2.198778e+00 &     73.902 &    0.00000 \\
12 &    10.271590 &  4.046462e+02 &    975.040 &    0.99049 \\
13 &     5.781481 &  3.406521e+03 &    797.200 & -999.90000 \\


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[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
) (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/epstopdf-pkg/epstopdf-base.sty
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Package: grfext 2019/12/03 v1.3 Manage graphics extensions (HO)

Package: kvdefinekeys 2019-12-19 v1.6 Define keys (HO)
Package: kvoptions 2019/11/29 v3.13 Key value format for package options (HO)

Package: kvsetkeys 2019/12/15 v1.18 Key value parser (HO)
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(grfext)             \AppendGraphicsExtensions on input line 504.

File: epstopdf-sys.cfg 2010/07/13 v1.3 Configuration of (r)epstopdf for TeX Liv
Package caption Info: Begin \AtBeginDocument code.
Package caption Info: End \AtBeginDocument code.

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your preamble.
 on input line 21.

File: fc-english.def 2016/01/12

! LaTeX Error: Not in outer par mode.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.2 \centering
! Undefined control sequence.
\caption@ORI@xfloat ... \global \setbox \@currbox 
                                                  \color@vbox \normalcolor \...
l.2 \centering
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again> 
l.2 \centering
) [1


“不在外部 par 模式”错误意味着您在某个框内使用了table(或其他浮动环境,例如figure)。浮动的唯一目的是将其内容标记为不在主文档流中,而是一个可以重新定位和重新插入的插入内容,以帮助分页。这种浮动行为在结构上与位于特定页面固定点的框内不兼容。


在 tcolorbox 手册中搜索caption建议你可以使用它的blend into键来合并一些table环境功能。但更简单的是,table根本不要使用,只需tabular然后用

\captionof{table}{this is a caption}

