问题: 我正在努力分割流程图中的箭头。我尝试查看类似的代码,但似乎无法重现它。如何才能得到理想的输出?
% Define block styles
\tikzstyle{decision} = [diamond, draw, fill=blue!20,
text width=4.5em, text badly centered, node distance=3cm, inner sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20,
text width=4.5cm, text badly centered, rounded corners, minimum height=4em, minimum width=5cm]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex']
% \tikzstyle{cloud} = [draw, ellipse,fill=red!20, node distance=3cm, minimum height=2em]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 2.5cm, auto]
% Place nodes
\node [block, below of=dav] (install) {Install fan, heat sink, thermal dough and 4 jumpers on the board};
\node [block, below of=install] (voltage) {Complete Voltage Testing};
\node [block, below of=voltage] (recordvalue) {Record serial number Voltage Testing is a pass or fail to spreadsheet};
\node [block, below left of=recordvalue, node distance=6.5cm] (flashTX) {Flash as Tx};
\node [block, below right of=recordvalue, node distance=6.5cm] (flashRX) {Flash as Rx};
\node [block, below of=flashTX] (testflashTX) {Test Tx with \textit{Golden Rx}};
\node [block, below of=flashRX] (testflashRX) {Test Rx with \textit{Golden Tx}};
\node [decision, below of=recordvalue, node distance=10cm] (passfail) {Pass/Fail};
% Draw edges
\path [line] (dav) -- (install);
\path [line] (install) -- (voltage);
\path [line] (voltage) -- (recordvalue);
\path [line] (recordvalue) |- (flashTX);
\path [line] (recordvalue) |- (flashRX);
\path [line] (flashTX) -- (testflashTX);
\path [line] (flashRX) -- (testflashRX);
编辑: 图表中根据您编辑的问题的需要添加了新节点。
在下面的 MWE(最小工作示例)中,与您的代码片段进行比较,进行了以下更改:
- 节点被组织成三个链(使用 TikZ 库
库及其语法(由此节点之间的距离相等,由确定node distance = <below> and <right>
) - 链中的节点通过包
- 节点之间的连接在四个地方通过使用代码断开
suspend join
- 中未考虑的节点之间的连接
\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
node distance = 4mm and 2mm,
start chain = A going below,
arr/.style = {-Stealth},
base/.style = {draw, fill=blue!30, font=\small,
text width=42mm, minimum height=8mm,
block/.style = {base, rounded corners},
decision/.style = {base, diamond, aspect=1.6,
text width=21mm, inner xsep=0pt},
suspend join/.code={\def\tikz@after@path{}}
% Place nodes
% main branch
\begin{scope}[nodes={block, on chain=A, join=by arr}]
\node {Get Dante AV board from batch}; % name: A-1
\node {Install fan, heat sink,
thermal dough and 4 jumpers on the board};
\node {Complete Voltage Testing};
\node {Record serial number Voltage Testing
is a pass or fail to spreadsheet}; % name: A-4
\coordinate[below=of A-4] (aux1);
\begin{scope}[nodes={block, on chain=A, join=by arr}]
% first left branch
% here had to be discontinued "join" instruction from main branch
\node [suspend join, % name: A-5
below left=of aux1 -| A-4.west] {Flash as Tx};
\node {Test Tx with \textit{Golden Rx}};
% first right branch
% here had to be discontinued "join" instruction from main branch again
\node [suspend join, % name; A-7
below right=of aux1 -| A-4.east] {Flash as Rx};
\node {Test Rx with \textit{Golden Tx}};
% decision
\coordinate[below=of A-6.south -| aux1] (aux2);
\node [decision, below=of aux2] (decision) {Pass/Fail};
% end branches
\begin{scope}[nodes={block, on chain=A, join=by arr}]
% left end branch
% here had to be discontinued "join" instruction from main branch again
\node [suspend join,
below=of decision -| A-6] {Flash P}; % name A-9
\node {Test T};
\node {Record};
% right end branch
% here had to be discontinued "join" instruction from left end branch
\node [suspend join,
below=of decision -| A-8] {Flash F}; % name A-12
\node {Test T};
% Draw edges which are not considered in join
% left
\draw[arr] (A-4) -- (aux1) -| (A-5);
\draw[arr] (A-6) |- (aux2) -- (decision);
\draw[arr] (decision) -| (A-9) node[pos=0.25,above] {Pass};
% right
\draw[arr] (aux1) -| (A-7);
\draw (A-8) |- (aux2);
\draw[arr] (decision) -| (A-12) node[pos=0.25,above] {Fail};