我正在使用 abstract.tex 文件,如下所示:
{\thispagestyle{empty} \cleardoublepage\null \thispagestyle{empty} \vfill\begin{center}%
\Large \bfseries \abstractname \end{center}}
{\thispagestyle{empty} \vfill\null }
La presente tesis estudia dos instancias diferentes de teoremas inversos discretos, la primera relacionada con cuestiones de convergencia en la teor´ıa.
The present thesis studies two different instances of discrete inverse theorems, the first one pertaining convergence issues in ergodic theory and the second one
problems of local distribution in number theory. \\
然后我从 main.tex 文件加载/调用 abstract.tex 文件:
\documentclass[11pt,pdfa1,a4paper,online,oneside,openright ]{book}
% !TeX TS-program = pdflatex
\documentclass[11pt,pdfa1,a4paper,online,oneside,openright ]{book}
\usepackage[spanish, english]{babel}
{\centering \huge \textbf{Teoremas inversos discretos} \par \bigskip}
La presente tesis estudia dos instancias diferentes de teoremas inversos discretos, la primera relacionada con cuestiones de convergencia en la teoría.
{\centering \huge \textbf{Discrete inverse theorems} \par \bigskip}
The present thesis studies two different instances of discrete inverse theorems, the first one pertaining convergence issues in ergodic theory and the second one
problems of local distribution in number theory.
% !TeX TS-program = xelatex
\documentclass[11pt,pdfa1,a4paper,online,oneside,openright ]{book}
\RequirePackage{polyglossia}% An Alternative to Babel xelatex lualatex
{\centering \huge \textbf{Teoremas inversos discretos} \par \bigskip}
La presente tesis estudia dos instancias diferentes de teoremas inversos discretos, la primera relacionada con cuestiones de convergencia en la teoría.
{\centering \huge \textbf{Discrete inverse theorems} \par \bigskip}
The present thesis studies two different instances of discrete inverse theorems, the first one pertaining convergence issues in ergodic theory and the second one
problems of local distribution in number theory.