我的电脑上有TeX 3.14159265 (TeX Live 2020/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.3.2
。我从 CTAN 下载了 Classic Thesis .zip
当我尝试使用标准 pdflatex 命令在 Texstudio 中编译 ClassicThesis.tex 时,出现以下错误:
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \include{FrontBackmatter/DirtyTitlepage}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \begin{titlepage}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \end{titlepage}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \include{FrontBackmatter/Titleback}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. ...lepage\include{FrontBackmatter/Dedication}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \cleardoublepage
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. ...ublepage\include{FrontBackmatter/Abstract}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \cleardoublepage
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. ...page\include{FrontBackmatter/Publications}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \cleardoublepage
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. ...e\include{FrontBackmatter/Acknowledgments}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \cleardoublepage
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \clearpage
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. ...ublepage\include{FrontBackmatter/Contents}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \part{Some Kind of Manual}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \part{Some Kind of Manual}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \item N
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \item\texttt
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \clearpage
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \end{itemize}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. F
Output routine didn't use all of \box255.
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \include{Chapters/Chapter01}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \cleardoublepage
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \part{The Showcase}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \part{The Showcase}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255.
Output routine didn't use all of \box255.
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \include{Chapters/Chapter02}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \include{Chapters/Chapter02}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. T
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \include{Chapters/Chapter03}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \part{Appendix}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \part{Appendix}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \include{Chapters/Chapter0A}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \cleardoublepage
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. ...page\include{FrontBackmatter/Declaration}
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. \cleardoublepage
Output routine didn't use all of \box255. ...blepage\include{FrontBackmatter/Colophon}
Using fall-back BibTeX(8) backend:(biblatex) functionality may be reduced/unavailable.
Non standard sectioning command \section(titlesec) detected. Using default spacing and no format.
Non standard sectioning command \subsection(titlesec) detected. Using default spacing and no format.
Non standard sectioning command \subsubsection(titlesec) detected. Using default spacing and no format.
Non standard sectioning command \paragraph(titlesec) detected. Using default spacing and no format.
Non standard sectioning command \subparagraph(titlesec) detected. Using default spacing and no format.
Usage of package `tocloft' together(scrreprt) with a KOMA-Script class is not recommended.
No file ClassicThesis.bbl.
No file ClassicThesis1-blx.bbl.
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Empty bibliography
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Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
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Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
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Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
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Citation 'knuth:1976' on page 15 undefined
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Citation 'knuth:1976' on page 15 undefined
Citation 'knuth:1976' on page 15 undefined
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Empty bibliography
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
Overfull \hbox (190.74121pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active
There were undefined references.
Please (re)run BibTeX on the file(s):(biblatex) ClassicThesis1-blx(biblatex) ClassicThesis(biblatex) and rerun LaTeX afterwards.
prelim2e 包目前与 latex 不兼容,但正在准备更新。
解决方法:classicthesis-config.tex 包含一个设置drafting=true
。删除它,则 prelim2e 将不会被加载,然后它应该可以工作。
drafting=true, % <--- remove this
我刚刚将新版本的 prelim2e 上传到 CTAN,因此您可以通过发行版下载它只是时间问题。
现在可以在这里找到开发存储库:https://github.com/TeXhackse/prelim2e 以防你不能等那么久。