如何在 IEEETran 格式中将摘要和介绍放在同一页面上?

如何在 IEEETran 格式中将摘要和介绍放在同一页面上?

我正在使用 ieeetran 格式来处理一篇文章。它在摘要和论文的其余部分之间留有空白。我该如何消除这个空白?

\newcommand\pdfstrutmc[3][\strut ]%
\usepackage[draft]{todonotes}   % notes showed

\newcommand*{\rom}[1]{\expandafter\@slowromancap\romannumeral #1@}

% correct bad hyphenation here
\hyphenation{op-tical net-works semi-conduc-tor}

% ----------------------------------------
\NewDocumentCommand{\DrawCoordinateGrid}{O{} m m m m m m}{%
    \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=0, thick, black]
      \draw [#1] (\XGridMin,\YGridMin) grid (\XGridMax,\YGridMax);
    \begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=0, thick, black]
      \draw [#1] (\YGridMin,\ZGridMin) grid (\YGridMax,\ZGridMax);
    \begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=0, thick, black]
      \draw [#1] (\XGridMin,\ZGridMin) grid (\XGridMax,\ZGridMax);

% \frontmatter          % for the preliminaries
% \pagestyle{fancy}  % switches on printing of running heads
% \addtocmark{} % additional mark in the TOC

% \mainmatter              % start of 
\title{My title }



\affil[ ]{\textit {[email protected]}}

   here the abstract





其实非常简单。在你的 MWE 中,只需写:


   here the abstract

或者更明确地说,\maketitle必须离开环境abstract,否则标题将被放在新页面中摘要(如您的 MWE 中所述)。
