我正在尝试使用该命令从 Tikz 内容创建一个图像文件pdflatex
以下是 Tikz 内容:
\usetikzlibrary{automata, positioning, arrows, shapes}
box/.style = {draw, rectangle, minimum height = 2.5em, minimum width = 2.5em},
circl/.style = {draw, circle, minimum size = 8mm,label={[font=\small, inner sep=1pt]200:$+$}},
input/.style = {coordinate},
output/.style = {coordinate},
to/.style = {->,>=stealth', shorten >=1pt, semithick, font=\small}
\draw (0,0) -- (4,0);
$ pdflatex figure.tex
我正在使用 Linux Mint 并安装了 Textlive:
ii texlive 2015.20160320-1ubuntu0.1 all TeX Live: A decent selection of the TeX Live packages
ii texlive-base 2015.20160320-1ubuntu0.1 all TeX Live: Essential programs and files
ii texlive-binaries 2015.20160222.37495-1ubuntu0.1 amd64 Binaries for TeX Live
ii texlive-fonts-recommended 2015.20160320-1ubuntu0.1 all TeX Live: Recommended fonts
ii texlive-latex-base 2015.20160320-1ubuntu0.1 all TeX Live: LaTeX fundamental packages
ii texlive-latex-recommended 2015.20160320-1ubuntu0.1 all TeX Live: LaTeX recommended packages
ii texlive-pictures 2015.20160320-1ubuntu0.1 all TeX Live: Graphics, pictures, diagrams
\usetikzlibrary{automata, positioning, arrows, shapes}
box/.style = {draw, rectangle, minimum height = 2.5em, minimum width = 2.5em},
circl/.style = {draw, circle, minimum size = 8mm,label={[font=\small, inner sep=1pt]200:$+$}},
input/.style = {coordinate},
output/.style = {coordinate},
to/.style = {->,>=stealth', shorten >=1pt, semithick, font=\small}
\draw (0,0) -- (4,0);