


\ifx 1#1 case 1\else
\ifx 2#1 case 2\else
\ifx 3#1 case 3\else







\case{1}: case 1
\case{2}: case 2
\case{3}: case 3


\foreach \x in {1,2,3}{\case{\x}}

非法 非法 非法



这个问题与你无关,foreach你会看到同样的问题\def\x{1} \case{\x}

您正在比较\ifx 1\x,并且标记 1 和\x并不相同,所以这是错误的。

相反地​​,\case{12}\ifx112 测试 1 和 1 为真,然后输入 2。



case 0\or
case 1\or
case 2\or
case 3\else




\foreach \x in {1,2,3}{\case{\x}}




%\usepackage{xparse} % uncomment if using LaTeX released before 2020-10-01


  \int_case:nnTF { #1 } { #2 } { #3 } { #4 }


    {1}{Case 1}
    {2}{Case 2}
    {3}{Case 3}


\mycaseswitch{1}: case 1

\mycaseswitch{2}: case 2

\mycaseswitch{3}: case 3

\mycaseswitch{4}: illegal

\mycaseswitch{42}: Hey!

\foreach \x in {1,2,3}{\mycaseswitch{\x}\par}







  1. 根据案例列表进行测试的整数;
  2. 案例列表,以对的形式出现{<integer>}{<text>}(不需要整数连续或像 那样从 0 开始\ifcase);对之间的空格将被忽略;
  3. (可选)匹配成功后使用的文本;
  4. 表示“无匹配”的文本。


在您的代码中,\foreach-loop 将标记\x作为参数传递给\case-macro。\ifx(在 的定义文本内\case)会比较标记的含义而不扩展它们。


  • 通过将\ifx显式字符标记的含义与控制序列标记的含义进行比较,尽管含义不同,112\x
  • 通过将\ifx显式字符标记的含义与控制序列标记的含义进行比较,尽管含义不同,212\x
  • 通过将\ifx显式字符标记的含义与控制序列标记的含义进行比较,虽然含义不同。312\x



尝试:\foreach \x in {1,2,3}{\expandafter\case\expandafter{\x}}





\ExtractKthArg{⟨TeX-⟨number⟩-quantity denoting an integer of value K⟩}%
              {⟨tokens in case list of undelimited arguments doesn't have a K-th argument⟩}%
              {⟨list of undelimited arguments⟩}%

如果⟨无界参数列表⟩ :

是否送货⟨如果未限定参数列表没有第 K 个参数,则使用 tokens⟩

假设有第 K 个参数⟨无界参数列表⟩ :

传递第 K 个参数并删除一层括号。


\ExtractKthArg{0}{not available}{ABCDE}产量:not available

\ExtractKthArg{3}{not available}{ABCDE}产量: C

\ExtractKthArg{3}{not available}{AB{CD}E}产量: CD

\ExtractKthArg{4}{not available}{{001}{002}{003}{004}{005}}产量:004

\ExtractKthArg{6}{not available}{{001}{002}{003}}产量:not available

只要你的\case宏的参数在任何情况下都是有效的 TeX-⟨数字⟩-数量你想要 TeX-⟨数字⟩- 数量值从 1 到 3 是“合法的”,您可以\case通过以下方式轻松实现\ExtractKthArg

  \ExtractKthArg{#1}{illegal}{{case 1}{case 2}{case 3}}%



%% Code for \ExtractKthArg
%% Paraphernalia:
%%    \UD@firstoftwo, \UD@secondoftwo, \UD@PassFirstToSecond, 
%%    \UD@CheckWhetherNull,
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
%% Extract K-th inner undelimited argument:
%% \ExtractKthArg{<TeX-<number>-quantity denoting an integer of value K>}%
%%               {<tokens in case list of undelimited arguments doesn't have a K-th argument>}%
%%               {<list of undelimited arguments>} %
%% In case there is no K-th argument in <list of undelimited arguments> : 
%%   Does deliver <tokens in case list of undelimited arguments doesn't have a K-th argument>.
%% In case there is a K-th argument in <list of undelimited arguments> : 
%%   Does deliver that K-th argument with one level of braces removed.
%% Examples:
%%   \ExtractKthArg{0}{not available}{ABCDE} yields: not available
%%   \ExtractKthArg{3}{not available}{ABCDE} yields:  C
%%   \ExtractKthArg{3}{not available}{AB{CD}E} yields:  CD
%%   \ExtractKthArg{4}{not available}{{001}{002}{003}{004}{005}} yields: 004
%%   \ExtractKthArg{6}{not available}{{001}{002}{003}} yields: not available 
  % #1: <TeX-<number>-quantity denoting an integer of value K>
  % #2: <tokens in case list of undelimited arguments doesn't have a K-th argumnent>
  \expandafter{\romannumeral\number\number#1 000}{#2}%
  \UD@CheckWhetherNull{#1}{% K not positive:
  }{% K positive:
%% End of code for \ExtractKthArg.


  \ExtractKthArg{#1}{illegal}{{case 1}{case 2}{case 3}}%



\verb|\case{1}|: \case{1}

\verb|\case{2}|: \case{2}

\verb|\case{3}|: \case{3}

\verb|\case{-1}|: \case{-1}

\verb|\case{4}|: \case{4}

The \verb|\foreach|-loop:

\verb|\foreach \x in {1,2,3}{\case{\x}}|: 

\foreach \x in {1,2,3}{\case{\x}}



如果不能确保你的论点\case宏的参数在任何情况下都是有效的 TeX-⟨数字⟩-数量,事情更加复杂:

严格地说,不可能测试任意宏参数是否产生有效的 TeX-⟨数字⟩-quantity:TeX 被认为是图灵完备的。任意一个宏参数都会形成一个任意基于扩展的算法。检查任意基于扩展的算法是否产生有效的 TeX-⟨数字⟩-quantity 意味着检查所讨论的任意基于扩展的算法(由图灵完备的系统执行)是否完全终止。这就是停机问题。艾伦·图灵于 1936 年证明,不存在解决所有可能的程序输入对的停机问题的通用算法。

但是如果你将标记星座的 -eh- 项目符号列表限制为“合法”的用户输入,那么你可以实现从单个“合法”星座到数字的映射,并在调用时使用该映射\ExtractKthArg

假设你只希望 token-constellation和 token-constellation和 token-constellation和 token-constellation和 token-constellation和 token-constellation被允许作为合法的用户输入, 两者和产生短语, 两者和产生短语, 两者和产生短语。 你可以通过分隔参数实现分叉/映射,如下所示:A11112a11112B11212b11212C11312c11312
A11112a11112case a1 or A1
B11212b11212case b2 or B2
C11312c11212case c3 or C3


% Code for a mechanism which forks illegal user-input and the
% different cases of legal user-input and maps these cases to 
% numbers:
  % Check whether an argument contains no exclamation-mark of
  % catcode 12 which is not nested in braces:
    % Something without exclamation-mark, so let's select a case by
    % means of \CaseSelect where exclamation-mark is a component of
    % the argument-delimiter:
    !#1!A1!b2!B2!c3!C3!{1}% <- Case #1 = a1
    !a1!#1!b2!B2!c3!C3!{1}% <- Case #1 = A1
    !a1!A1!#1!B2!c3!C3!{2}% <- Case #1 = b2
    !a1!A1!b2!#1!c3!C3!{2}% <- Case #1 = B2
    !a1!A1!b2!B2!#1!C3!{3}% <- Case #1 = c3
    !a1!A1!b2!B2!c3!#1!{3}% <- Case #1 = C3
    !a1!A1!b2!B2!c3!C3!{4}% <- Case #1 = s.th. else without exclamation-mark
  }{4}% <- Case #1 = s.th. else with exclamation-mark
% End of code for a mechanism which forks illegal user-input
% and the different cases of legal user-input and maps these
% cases to numbers.




%% Code for \ExtractKthArg
%% Paraphernalia:
%%    \UD@firstoftwo, \UD@secondoftwo, \UD@PassFirstToSecond, 
%%    \UD@CheckWhetherNull,
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
%% Extract K-th inner undelimited argument:
%% \ExtractKthArg{<TeX-<number>-quantity denoting an integer of value K>}%
%%               {<tokens in case list of undelimited args doesn't have a K-th argument>}%
%%               {<list of undelimited arguments>} %
%% In case there is no K-th argument in <list of undelimited arguments> : 
%%   Does deliver <tokens in case list of undelimited arguments doesn't have a K-th argument>.
%% In case there is a K-th argument in <list of undelimited arguments> : 
%%   Does deliver that K-th argument with one level of braces removed.
%% Examples:
%%   \ExtractKthArg{0}{not available}{ABCDE} yields: not available
%%   \ExtractKthArg{3}{not available}{ABCDE} yields:  C
%%   \ExtractKthArg{3}{not available}{AB{CD}E} yields:  CD
%%   \ExtractKthArg{4}{not available}{{001}{002}{003}{004}{005}} yields: 004
%%   \ExtractKthArg{6}{not available}{{001}{002}{003}} yields: not available 
  % #1: <TeX-<number>-quantity denoting an integer of value K>
  % #2: <tokens in case list of undelimited arguments doesn't have a K-th argument>
  \expandafter{\romannumeral\number\number#1 000}{#2}%
  \UD@CheckWhetherNull{#1}{% K not positive:
  }{% K positive:
%% End of code for \ExtractKthArg.

% Code for a mechanism which forks illegal user-input and the
% different cases of legal user-input and maps these cases to 
% numbers:
  % Check whether an argument contains no exclamation-mark of
  % catcode 12 which is not nested in braces:
    % Something without exclamation-mark, so let's select a case by
    % means of \CaseSelect where exclamation-mark is a component of
    % the argument-delimiter:
    !#1!A1!b2!B2!c3!C3!{1}% <- Case #1 = a1
    !a1!#1!b2!B2!c3!C3!{1}% <- Case #1 = A1
    !a1!A1!#1!B2!c3!C3!{2}% <- Case #1 = b2
    !a1!A1!b2!#1!c3!C3!{2}% <- Case #1 = B2
    !a1!A1!b2!B2!#1!C3!{3}% <- Case #1 = c3
    !a1!A1!b2!B2!c3!#1!{3}% <- Case #1 = C3
    !a1!A1!b2!B2!c3!C3!{4}% <- Case #1 = s.th. else without exclamation-mark
  }{4}% <- Case #1 = s.th. else with exclamation-mark
% End of code for a mechanism which forks illegal user-input
% and the different cases of legal user-input and maps these
% cases to numbers.


  \ExtractKthArg{\MapCasesToNumbers{#1}}{illegal case}{{case a1 or A1}{case b2 or B2}{case c3 or C3}}%



\verb|\case{a1}|: \case{a1}

\verb|\case{A1}|: \case{A1}

\verb|\case{b2}|: \case{b2}

\verb|\case{B2}|: \case{B2}

\verb|\case{c3}|: \case{c3}

\verb|\case{C3}|: \case{C3}

\verb|\case{Something Weird \relax \csname \fi}|: \case{Something Weird \relax \csname \fi}

\verb|\case{D4}|: \case{D4}

The \verb|\foreach|-loop---you need to ensure that the loop-variable \verb|\x| is expanded properly:

\verb|\foreach \x in {a1,A1,b2,B2,c3,C3,Weird}{\expandafter\case\expandafter{\x}}|:

\foreach \x in {a1,A1,b2,B2,c3,C3,Weird}{\expandafter\case\expandafter{\x}}


