LaTeX - 我无法在第二个图下书写。我该如何书写?

LaTeX - 我无法在第二个图下书写。我该如何书写?

如下所示,我使用了子图,而我写在第二个图下的文章移到了图 1 下。我该如何解决这个问题。这样,我必须放 20 个图并在它们下面写字。




这两个 4 行说明段落看起来非常像应该作为其各自图形环境的图例。因此,它们永远不应该与环境的其他部分分开figure,对吗?要实现此目标,只需将每个图例作为其各自环境的一部分。使用\small\footnotesize更改图例的字体大小。这将帮助读者区分“常规”文本和图例材料。


\documentclass[twocolumn,demo]{article} % remove 'demo' option in real doc.
% Place subcaptions close to their respective graphs:

\lipsum[1-5] % filler text

\begin{figure}[t!] % first 'figure'
\caption{Cross-section plot of FT8}

\caption{Cross-section plot of FT9}

\caption{The values of the shell file used for production}

\caption{Results graphics and production file}

\medskip\small % or '\footnotesize'
% now insert legend:
The FT8 and FT9 values in Figures a and b were increased by 
\SI{0.5}{TeV} from \SI{-5.0}{TeV} to \SI{5.0}{TeV}, and the
production was repeated by changing the ebeam 1 and 2 values
to 7000, 16500, and 50000 within both FT values.

\begin{figure}[p!] % second 'figure'
\caption{Cross-section plot of FT0}

\caption{Cross-section plot of FT1}

\caption{Cross-section plot of FT2}

\caption{The values of the shell file used for production}

\caption{Results graphics and production file}

\medskip\small % or '\footnotesize'
% insert the appropriate legend
The FT0, FT1, and FT2 values in Figures a, b, and c were increased by 
\SI{0.5}{TeV} from \SI{-5.0}{TeV} to \SI{5.0}{TeV}, and the
production was repeated by changing the ebeam 1 and 2 values
to 7000, 16500, and 50000 within all three FT values.

\lipsum[6-20] % more filler text

