Latex 命令存在检查条件

Latex 命令存在检查条件

如何检查条件,如果\commandtwo在 tex 文件中出现,\commandone \if条件应该是过程,否则\else 条件应该是过程?如何制定条件?

注意:\commandtwo{XXX}在 之后的 tex 文件中可能会出现或不会出现,但和的\begin{document}定义在序言中。\def\commandone#1{#1}\def\commandtwo#1{#1}\def\commandthree#1{#1}



%\commandtwo present in the file \if condition should be process if not presented in the file \else condition should be process









由于\commandtwo可能出现 \commandone,您需要考虑使用 来.aux存储将在二次编译中使用的内容。下面\commandtwo写入将在下一次编译时读取的\gdef\commandtwopresent{}内容.aux。即使它被定义为空,它也可以用于通过\ifcsname...进行条件处理\endcsname



%\commandtwo present in the file \if condition should be process if not presented in the file \else condition should be process
\def\commandone#1{\ifcsname commandtwopresent\endcsname {\Huge#1}\else{\tiny#1}\fi}









Werner 建议通过 .aux 文件定义宏,定义的宏指示是否在之前的 LaTeX 运行中\commandtwo执行过。


这种变体的优点是,如果由于某些内容发生变化而必须重新编译,则会通过控制台和 .log 文件通知您,因为更改伴随着所述交叉引用标签的更改,而交叉引用标签的更改由 LaTeX 内核跟踪。



    \csname if\@ifundefined{r@CommandTwoUsed}{false}{\r@CommandTwoUsed}\endcsname









\input假设有问题的 .tex-input-file(或通过或处理的其他文件\include,属于有问题的文档?)包含
\verb|\commandtwo...| 和/或
% This is a comment containing \commandtwo



沃纳 (Werner) 已经在他的回答中展示了如何在\ifcsname..\endcsnameε-TeX 扩展可用的情况下做到这一点。

为了好玩,您可以通过检查\meaning该标记的 是否包含短语“未定义”来测试宏参数是否具有第一个标记(即未定义的控制序列)。这样就不需要依赖任何 TeX 扩展的可用性:


%% Paraphernalia:
%%    \UD@firstoftwo, \UD@secondoftwo, \UD@Exchange,  \UD@CheckWhetherNull,
%%    \UD@stopromannumeral
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
%% Check whether brace-balanced argument has a first token which is an
%% undefined control sequence.
%% (Only with undefined control sequences the \meaning has the leading phrase
%% "undefined"; besides this \meaning never delivers no tokens at all)
%% \CheckWhetherLeadingUndefined{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                              {<Tokens to be delivered in case <argument
%%                                 which is to be checked> has a 1st token 
%%                                 which is undefined>}%
%%                              {<Tokens to be delivered in case <argument
%%                                which is to be checked> does not have a 1st
%%                                token which is undefined>}%
       % Let's nest things into \UD@firstoftwo{...}{} to make sure they are nested in braces
       % and thus do not disturb when the test is carried out within \halign/\valign:



The sequence \verb|abc|
\CheckWhetherLeadingUndefined{abc}{does have}{does not have}
a leading token which is an undefined control sequence.


The sequence \verb|\TeX abc|
\CheckWhetherLeadingUndefined{\TeX abc}{does have}{does not have}
a leading token which is an undefined control sequence.


The empty sequence 
\CheckWhetherLeadingUndefined{}{does have}{does not have}
a leading token which is an undefined control sequence.


The blank sequence  \verb*| |
\CheckWhetherLeadingUndefined{ }{does have}{does not have}
a leading token which is an undefined control sequence.


The sequence  \verb|\else|
\CheckWhetherLeadingUndefined{\else}{does have}{does not have}
a leading token which is an undefined control sequence.


The sequence \verb|{\UnDefIneD} abc|
\CheckWhetherLeadingUndefined{{\UnDefIneD} abc}{does have}{does not have}
a leading token which is an undefined control sequence.


The sequence \verb|{}\UnDefIneD abc|
\CheckWhetherLeadingUndefined{{}\UnDefIneD abc}{does have}{does not have}
a leading token which is an undefined control sequence.


The sequence \verb*| \UnDefIneD abc|
\CheckWhetherLeadingUndefined{ \UnDefIneD abc}{does have}{does not have}
a leading token which is an undefined control sequence.


The sequence \verb|\UnDefIneD \fi \csname abc|
\CheckWhetherLeadingUndefined{\UnDefIneD \fi \csname abc}{does have}{does not have}
a leading token which is an undefined control sequence.


The sequence \verb|\UnDefIneD abc|
\CheckWhetherLeadingUndefined{\UnDefIneD abc}{does have}{does not have}
a leading token which is an undefined control sequence.




另一种方法是,在 verbatim-catcode-régime 下重新读取整个相关输入文件,通过分隔参数检查是否\commandtwo存在该短语。但是,如果注释包含该短语,则可以避免这种情况。如果输入文件 A 和输入文件 B 都属于同一文档,并且输入文件 A 在处理输入文件 B 之前被处理,则在输入文件 B 中,这也可以通过输入文件 A 包含\let\foobar=\commandtwo和输入文件 B 包含来避免\foobar这种情况,而不是\commandtwo

