在 TikZ 中绘制具有非常小值的函数

在 TikZ 中绘制具有非常小值的函数

我想在 TikZ 中绘制一个函数,G4这张纸(p5)。我尝试过使用和不使用 pgfplots,也尝试过 gnuplot 调用。MWE 如下。

使用pgfplots,编译会抛出错误! Dimension too large. <recently read> \pgf@yy l.54 \end{axis} ,而仅使用 TikZ 的尝试则会绘制 f(x) = 0。

该函数应如下所示 Behler 函数


这个答案显示了一个 gnuplot 调用,用于绘制一个 y 轴非常小的图,但我不想依赖外部程序。另外,我不知道我的宏依赖函数定义是否与 gnuplot 兼容。现在我尝试将宏更改为显式数字,但再次出现错误,! Dimension too large. <recently read> \pgf@yy l.43 \end{axis}


MWE(仅限 TikZ):






\tikzset{every picture/.style={x = 0.025cm,y = 60cm}}

\draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,\ymax) node [left] {\small $G_i^{4,5}$};
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (\xmax,0) node [below] {\small $\theta_{ijk}$/\si{\degree}};

\node[left] at (0,0) {\small $0$};


% Cutoff function fc of Rij and Rik, with both distances fixed at 0.8*Rc
\pgfmathsetmacro{\fcOfijNikValT}{0.5*cos( \coefValT * pi r) + 0.5}



% Function to plot begins here
\draw[domain=0:\xmax,variable=\x,samples=100,smooth] plot (\x,{2^(1-\zetaVal)*(1 + \lambdaVal*cos(\x))^\zetaVal*exp( -\etaVal*( 2*(\RijNikValT)^2 +
% Calculation for Rjk^2:
2*(\RijNikValT)^2 - 2*(\RijNikValT)^2*cos(\x)
))* % these two parenthesis close the one opened by \etaVal*, and by exp(
% Calculation for fc(Rjk)
0.5*(cos( pi*
% Calculation for Rjk:
(%opens quotient multiplied by pi
sqrt( 2*(\RijNikValT)^2 - 2*(\RijNikValT)^2*cos(\x) )
/\Rc)%ends quotient multiplied by pi
)% closes parenth opened by cos
)% closes parenth opened to the left of cos
+0.5)%closes parenth opened before of 0.5*(cos

MWE(TikZ + pgfplots):







\tikzset{every picture/.style={x = 0.025cm,y = 60cm}}

\draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,\ymax) node [left] {\small $G_i^{4,5}$};
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (\xmax,0) node [below] {\small $\theta_{ijk}$/\si{\degree}};

\node[left] at (0,0) {\small $0$};


% Cutoff function fc of Rij and Rik, with both distances fixed at 0.8*Rc
\pgfmathsetmacro{\fcOfijNikValT}{0.5*cos( \coefValT * pi r) + 0.5}



%\begin{axis}[range=0:360,restrict y to domain=0:0.02]
\begin{axis}[xmin=0, xmax = 360,ymin = 0, ymax = 0.02]
% Function to plot begins here
\addplot {2^(1-\zetaVal)*(1 + \lambdaVal*cos(\x))^\zetaVal*exp( -\etaVal*( 2*(\RijNikValT)^2 +
% Calculation for Rjk^2:
2*(\RijNikValT)^2 - 2*(\RijNikValT)^2*cos(\x)
))* % these two parenthesis close the one opened by \etaVal*, and by exp(
% Calculation for fc(Rjk)
0.5*(cos( pi*(
% Calculation for Rjk:
sqrt( 2*(\RijNikValT)^2 - 2*(\RijNikValT)^2*cos(\x) )
/\Rc)%ends quotient multiplied by pi
)% closes parenth opened by cos
)% closes parenth opened to the left of cos
+0.5)%closes parenth opened before of 0.5*(cos


MWE(TikZ + pgfplots + gnuplot):







\tikzset{every picture/.style={x = 0.025cm,y = 60cm}}

\draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,\ymax) node [left] {\small $G_i^{4,5}$};
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (\xmax,0) node [below] {\small $\theta_{ijk}$/\si{\degree}};

\node[left] at (0,0) {\small $0$};

%\begin{axis}[range=0:360,restrict y to domain=0:0.02]
\begin{axis}[xmin=0, xmax = 360,ymin = 0, ymax = 0.02]
% Function to plot begins here

\addplot[no marks,blue,line width=1pt] gnuplot [domain=0:360,samples=200] {2^(1-1)*(1 + 1*cos(x))^1.1*exp( -0.2*( 2*(8)^2 +
% Calculation for Rjk^2:
2*(8)^2 - 2*(8)^2*cos(x)
))* % these two parenthesis close the one opened by \etaVal*, and by exp(
% Calculation for fc(Rjk)
0.5*(cos( pi*(
% Calculation for Rjk:
sqrt( 2*(8)^2 - 2*(8)^2*cos(x) )
/10)%ends quotient multiplied by pi
)% closes parenth opened by cos
)% closes parenth opened to the left of cos
+0.5)%closes parenth opened before of 0.5*(cos



只是为了确认hpekristiansen 的评论pgfplots确实有效。但是,首先你需要消除

\tikzset{every picture/.style={x = 0.025cm,y = 60cm}}


\draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,\ymax) node [left] {\small $G_i^{4,5}$};
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (\xmax,0) node [below] {\small $\theta_{ijk}$/\si{\degree}};







%\tikzset{every picture/.style={x = 0.025cm,y = 60cm}}

% \draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,\ymax) node [left] {\small $G_i^{4,5}$};
% \draw[->] (0,0) -- (\xmax,0) node [below] {\small $\theta_{ijk}$/\si{\degree}};
% \node[left] at (0,0) {\small $0$};


% Cutoff function fc of Rij and Rik, with both distances fixed at 0.8*Rc
\pgfmathsetmacro{\fcOfijNikValT}{0.5*cos( \coefValT * pi r) + 0.5}



%\begin{axis}[range=0:360,restrict y to domain=0:0.02]
\begin{axis}[xmin=0, xmax = 360,ymin = 0,
    ylabel={\small $G_i^{4,5}$},xlabel={\small $\theta_{ijk}$/\si{\degree}}]
% Function to plot begins here
{2^(1-\zetaVal)*(1 + \lambdaVal*cos(\x))^\zetaVal*exp( -\etaVal*( 2*(\RijNikValT)^2 +
% Calculation for Rjk^2:
2*(\RijNikValT)^2 - 2*(\RijNikValT)^2*cos(\x)
))* % these two parenthesis close the one opened by \etaVal*, and by exp(
% Calculation for fc(Rjk)
0.5*(cos( pi*(
% Calculation for Rjk:
sqrt( 2*(\RijNikValT)^2 - 2*(\RijNikValT)^2*cos(\x) )
/\Rc)%ends quotient multiplied by pi
)% closes parenth opened by cos
)% closes parenth opened to the left of cos
+0.5)%closes parenth opened before of 0.5*(cos




