在点 1.1 相关性上,它大于 1 英寸.....
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% Dedication (opt.) Acknowledgments (opt.),
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% Set page numbers to arabic (1,2,...), and include
% the paper sections in the following order: Introduction
% (if any), Chapters, Bibliography (references), and Vita.
\caption{Correlation Coefficients of the Compared Frameworks in Terms of the Success Rate } % title of Table
\label{table:correlation1} % is used to refer this table in the text
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% order: Copyright (opt.), Thesis/Dissertation Approval
% Page, Abstract (required for theses and dissertations),
% Dedication (opt.) Acknowledgments (opt.),
% Preface/Foreword (opt.), Table of Contents,
% List of Tables (if any), List of Figures (if any).
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% Set page numbers to arabic (1,2,...), and include
% the paper sections in the following order: Introduction
% (if any), Chapters, Bibliography (references), and Vita.
\caption{Correlation Coefficients of the Compared Frameworks in Terms of the Success Rate } % title of Table
\label{table:correlation1} % is used to refer this table in the text