


我的 MWE:


    \setlength{\labelwidth}{\labelsep }%

\renewcommand{\questionlabel}{ \textbf{Question \thequestion}:}

    \question[1]  Start this line on a new line and align the marks with the rest of the paper.
    \begin{choices} \choice 1 \choice 2 \choice 2 \choice 3 \end{choices}
    \question[2]  Drop and align this one too.
    \begin{choices} \choice 6 \choice 3 \choice 2 \choice 0 \end{choices}
    Drop and align this sentence too!
    \question Drop and align this sentence one too!
    \begin{parts} % Keep this part as it is.
        \part[4] Keep as it is.
        \part[5] Keep as it is.
        Consider this and that:
            \subpart[6] This one is aligned with the parts.
            \subpart[7] So is this one.








\qformat{{\textbf{Question \thequestion}}\hfill\textbf{\thepoints}\hspace{-1.5cm}}


    \question[1]  Start this line on a new line and align the marks with the rest of the paper.
    \begin{choices} \choice 1 \choice 2 \choice 2 \choice 3 \end{choices}
    \question[2]  Drop and align this one too.
    \begin{choices} \choice 6 \choice 3 \choice 2 \choice 0 \end{choices}
    Drop and align this sentence too!
    \question Drop and align this sentence one too!
    \begin{parts} % Keep this part as it is.
        \part[4] Keep as it is.
        \part[5] Keep as it is.
        Consider this and that:
            \subpart[6] This one is aligned with the parts.
            \subpart[7] So is this one.




\qformat{{\textbf{Question \thequestion}}\hfill%


    \question[1]  Start this line on a new line and align the marks with the rest of the paper.
    \begin{choices} \choice 1 \choice 2 \choice 2 \choice 3 \end{choices}
    \question[2]  Drop and align this one too.
    \begin{choices} \choice 6 \choice 3 \choice 2 \choice 0 \end{choices}
    Drop and align this sentence too!
    \question Drop and align this sentence one too!
    \begin{parts} % Keep this part as it is.
        \part[4] Keep as it is.
        \part[5] Keep as it is.
        Consider this and that:
            \subpart[6] This one is aligned with the parts.
            \subpart[7] So is this one.
