我无法弄清楚在这个基本示例中我做错了什么。我想在我的 expl3 代码中有一个函数使用 tikz 绘制一个简单的图片,但我收到错误Package pgf Error: No shape named 0:0 is known.
% my command to draw an orange rectangle with tikz
\draw[color=orange!50, fill=orange] (0:0) -- ++(\linewidth,0) -- ++(0,-2em) -- (0,-2em) -- (0,0);
\usepackage{xparse}%allows the NewDocumentCommand
%Why does the tikz code inside the expl3syntax break it? I need to be able to call this here.
\draw[color=orange!50, fill=orange] (0:0) -- ++(\linewidth,0) -- ++(0,-2em) -- (0,-2em) -- (0,0);
在 expl3 中,冒号是一个字母,这会破坏代码中的 (0:0)。您在示例中没有使用 expl3 命令,因此最简单的方法是删除该\ExplSyntaxOn
% my command to draw an orange rectangle with tikz
\draw[color=orange!50, fill=orange] (0:0) -- ++(\linewidth,0) -- ++(0,-2em) -- (0,-2em) -- (0,0);
\usepackage{xparse}%allows the NewDocumentCommand
%Why does the tikz code inside the expl3syntax break it? I need to be able to call this here.
\draw[color=orange!50, fill=orange] (0\c_colon_str0) -- ++(\linewidth,0) -- ++(0,-2em) -- (0,-2em) -- (0,0);