

如何在 ConTeXt 中创建一个列表以显示 ConTeXt 右侧的下一个项目?

        \item Here is some text.
        \item Here is some more.
        \item Here is yet more.
        \item Here is yet even more text here.
        \item This text also fits.
        \item Here is an example of what happens when the text is really long it just is on its own filling the whole text width.
        \item This is short.
        \item This is really long and look what happens to the text is stays with the block that it is  provided, as if it were surrounded by an invisible box.
        \item This is anther longer text.
        \item This is short.
        \item This is bad it should not smash text like this too much.


1. Here is some text.

2. Here is some more.

3. Here is yet more.


1. Here is some    3. Here is yet
   text.              more.

2. Here is some


1. Here is some text.    2. Here is some more.    3. Here is yet more.

4. Here is yet even more text here.    4. This text also fits.

5. Here is an example of what happens when the text is really long
   it just is on its own filling the whole text width.

6. This is short.    7. This is really long and look what happens to
                        the text is stays with the block that it is
                        provided, as if it were surrounded by an
                        invisible box.

8. This is anther longer text.   9. This is short.  10. This is
                                                        bad it
                                                        should not
                                                        smash text
                                                        like this 
                                                        too much.

有没有办法在 ConTeXt 中实现这种效果?(注意:避免上例中第 10 项被砸碎的问题)




Some previous sentence before the list

\startitem first \stopitem
\startitem second \stopitem
\startitem third \stopitem
\startitem fourth \stopitem
\startitem fifth \stopitem
\startitem sixth \stopitem

And the text continues after the list



