有人能帮我做这个 LATEX 表吗

有人能帮我做这个 LATEX 表吗


有人能帮我在 latex 中制作这个表格吗?我在 t 和 f 列中的文本太多了



(1)使用 excel 构建表格原型,并使用插件 Excel2LaTeX 将其导出为 LaTeX:






代码更加简洁,因为它提供了\Block定义单元格(4 个单元格)的multirow命令multicolumn,还提供了hvlines绘制所有线条的指令(同时尊重块),以及垂直扩展所有单元格的命令。

我唯一输入的是搜索并删除所有\clines 和\bigstruts 并将 s 更改\multirow\Block




\usepackage{bigstrut} % for the first table
\usepackage{multirow}% for the first table

\usepackage{nicematrix} % the second table only needs the package

\newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{#1}} % expand & center column    

\section{Output from  Excel2LaTeX}  
% Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'Sheet1'    
%\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} % original output from from Excel2LaTeX   
\begin{tabular}{|L{0.1\textwidth}|L{0.18\textwidth}|L{0.18\textwidth}|L{0.15\textwidth}|L{0.2\textwidth}|}  % set columns widths
    F   & S                             & T     & F     & F  \bigstrut\\
    1   & \multirow{10}[20]{*}{19}      & 23    & 40    & 58 \bigstrut\\
    \cline{1-1}\cline{3-5}2     &       & 24    & 41    & 59 \bigstrut\\
    \cline{1-1}\cline{3-5}3     &       & 25    & 42    & 60 \bigstrut\\
    \cline{1-1}\cline{3-5}4     &       & 26    & 43    & 61 \bigstrut\\
    \cline{1-1}\cline{3-5}5     &       & 27    & 44    & 62 \bigstrut\\
    \cline{1-1}\cline{3-5}6     &       & 28    & 45    & 63 \bigstrut\\
    \cline{1-1}\cline{3-5}7     &       & 29    & 46    & 64 \bigstrut\\
    \cline{1-1}\cline{3-5}8     &       & 30    & 47    & 65 \bigstrut\\
    \cline{1-1}\cline{3-5}9     &       & 31    & 48    & 66 \bigstrut\\
    \cline{1-1}\cline{3-5}10    &       & 32    & 49    & 67 \bigstrut\\
    11 & \multirow{3}[6]{*}{20}         & 33    & 50    & 68 \bigstrut\\
    \cline{1-1}\cline{3-5}12    &       & 34    & 51    & 69 \bigstrut\\
    \cline{1-1}\cline{3-5}13    &       & 35    & 52    & 70 \bigstrut\\
    14 & \multirow{3}[6]{*}{21}         & 36    & 53    & 71 \bigstrut\\
    \cline{1-1}\cline{3-5}15    &       & 37    & 54    & 72 \bigstrut\\
    \cline{1-1}\cline{3-5}16    &       & 38    & 55    & 73 \bigstrut\\
    17 & \multirow{2}[4]{*}{22}         & 39    & 56    & 74 \bigstrut\\
    \cline{1-1}\cline{3-5}18    &       & 40    & 57    & 75 \bigstrut\\


\section{Package nicematrix}

\begin{NiceTabular}{L{0.1\textwidth}L{0.18\textwidth}L{0.18\textwidth}L{0.15\textwidth}L{0.2\textwidth}}[% set columns widths
    cell-space-top-limit = 5pt,cell-space-bottom-limit = 5pt,   % expands all cell  
    hvlines % draw all lines
F     & S               & T     & F     & F   \\
1     & \Block{10-1}{19}& 23    & 40    & 58  \\
2     &                 & 24    & 41    & 59  \\
3     &                 & 25    & 42    & 60  \\
4     &                 & 26    & 43    & 61  \\
5     &                 & 27    & 44    & 62  \\
6     &                 & 28    & 45    & 63  \\
7     &                 & 29    & 46    & 64  \\
8     &                 & 30    & 47    & 65  \\
9     &                 & 31    & 48    & 66  \\
10    &                 & 32    & 49    & 67  \\
11    & \Block{3-1}{20} & 33    & 50    & 68  \\
12    &                 & 34    & 51    & 69  \\
13    &                 & 35    & 52    & 70  \\
14    & \Block{3-1}{21} & 36    & 53    & 71  \\
15    &                 & 37    & 54    & 72  \\
16    &                 & 38    & 55    & 73  \\
17    & \Block{ 2-1}{22}& 39    & 56    & 74  \\
18    &                 & 40    & 57    & 75  \\
