我正在写一个文档,并试图将 tikz 图片作为子图居中放置。虽然它似乎具有合适的大小(我使用 fbox 进行了检查),但图像并未居中在列的中间。这是怎么回事?我读过一些关于其他人的 tikzpictures 上不可见节点占用空间的文章,但我认为这不是我的情况。
下面是我使用的 TEX 文件。我使用 'showframe' 包检查图片是否溢出边缘,并使用 'fbox' 检查图片是否太大。请注意,我使用的是 'subfig' 包,而不是 'subcaption',因为我已经在 IEEEtrans 模板中发现它已定义,我不确定是否可以更改它。
该文件的 MWE:
\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
%- Supporting packages
%- Figures and subfigures packages
%- Last package to write, as it loads a bunch of them, an it could give clash problems
\usepackage{pgfplotstable} % Loads a bunch of packages
%- Loading of libraries from pre-loaed packages
\usetikzlibrary{math,% For computations. Variables must be declared in a tikzmath environment but can be used outside
decorations.markings, % For arrow tips
decorations.pathreplacing, % For brackets on image
calligraphy,} % For brackets on image
\tikzstyle{help lines}=[thin,gray!40]
\title{A title
\IEEEauthorblockA{LaTeX is not easy}
Ipsum lipsum diggity tippity.
%- Sections
\caption{This is a caption}
这里是 Tikzpicture 使用的代码:
%- Define colors to be used
\definecolor{Color Lens}{rgb}{0, 1, 0.5} % Color for lens
\definecolor{Color FSS}{rgb}{1.0, 0.49, 0.0} % Color FSS
\definecolor{Color IncWave}{rgb}{0,0,1} % Color incoming wave
\definecolor{Color SurfRefl}{rgb}{0.0, 0.72, 0.92} % Color surface refraction
\definecolor{Color ResFreq}{rgb}{1.0, 0.49, 0.0} % Color f0
\definecolor{Color FocalPoint}{rgb}{0.03, 0.47, 0.19}
\LensCenterX = 6;
\LensCenterY = 0;
\LensRadius = 1.75; % In cm
\FSSThick = 1; % In mm
\ArrowPos = (2/3)*\LensRadius;
\ArrowThick = 0.3; % In mm
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.43,every node/.style={scale=0.9}]
%- Help grid
%\draw [help lines, step=1] (-12,-5) grid (11,5);
%- Lens
\draw [color = Color Lens, fill=Color Lens]
(\LensCenterX,\LensCenterY) circle (\LensRadius cm);
%- Inner lens drawing
\draw[color = Color FSS,line width=\ArrowThick mm,-stealth]
(\LensCenterX-1,\ArrowPos) -- (\LensCenterX+1,0.33) node [midway, below]{$f_0$};
\draw[color = Color FSS,line width=\ArrowThick mm,-stealth]
(\LensCenterX+1,-0.33) -- (\LensCenterX-1,-\ArrowPos);
%- Lens focal point
\draw [color = Color FocalPoint, fill = Color FocalPoint]
(\LensCenterX+1.3,0) circle (0.33 cm);
%- Metallic backside
\draw [color=Color FSS,line width=\FSSThick mm]
(\LensCenterX,\LensRadius) arc (-90:90:-\LensRadius cm); % Backside metallization
%- FSS
\draw [color=black,line width=\FSSThick mm]
(\LensCenterX,-\LensRadius) arc (90:270:-\LensRadius cm); % FSS
%- Annotate FSS
\node [anchor=west,color=Color FSS,inner sep=0,outer sep=0] (FSS) at (\LensCenterX-\LensRadius-0.1,2.3) {FSS (Passband)};
%- Annotate lens
\draw[-stealth,line width=\ArrowThick mm] (\LensCenterX-2,-2.5)
node [anchor = north] {Lens} -- (\LensCenterX,-\LensRadius+0.3);
%- Annotate metal
\draw[-stealth,line width=\ArrowThick mm] (\LensCenterX-0.25,-2.5)
node [anchor = north] {Metal} -- (\LensCenterX+0.5,-1.9);
%- Annotate Retroreflector
\draw[line width=\ArrowThick mm, decoration={calligraphic brace,mirror,raise=-1pt,amplitude=10pt},decorate]
(3,-3.25) -- node[below=6pt] {Retroreflector} (6.7,-3.25);
%- Annotate focal point
\draw[-stealth,line width=\ArrowThick mm] (8,-1.5)
node [anchor = north,align = left,inner sep=0,outer sep=0] {Focal \\ point} -- (\LensCenterX+1.4,-0.2);
%- Arrows
\draw[stealth-,line width=\ArrowThick mm, color = Color IncWave]
-- (-\LensCenterX+2,\ArrowPos)
node [anchor=south west] {\color{black} Incoming wave};
\draw[-stealth,line width=\ArrowThick mm, color = Color SurfRefl]
node [anchor=south east] {\color{black} Surface reflection (no $f_0$) }
-- (-\LensCenterX+2,0);
\draw[-stealth,line width=\ArrowThick mm, color = Color ResFreq]
node [anchor=south east] {\color{black} $f_0$ (Delayed)}
-- (-\LensCenterX+2,-\ArrowPos);
%- Reader text
\node[anchor = center] (Reader) at (-7.25,-1) {Reader};
%- Reader box
\draw [line width=\ArrowThick mm] (-8.5,-0.25) rectangle +(2.5,-1.5);
%- Reader antenna
\draw [line width=\ArrowThick mm] (-6,-1) -- ++(0.75,0) -- ++(0,1.6) --++(0,-0.8) --++ (0.35,0.8) --++ (-0.35,-0.8) --++ (-0.35,0.8);
\subfloat[]{\fbox{% <<< HERE
\input{Tikzpicture.tex}% <<< HERE
\subfloat[]{% <<< HERE
\def\svgwidth{3.15in}% <<< HERE
\input{Tikzpicture.tex}% <<< HERE
\definecolor{Color Lens}{rgb}{0, 1, 0.5}% <<< HERE % Color for lens
\definecolor{Color FSS}{rgb}{1.0, 0.49, 0.0}% <<< HERE % Color FSS
\definecolor{Color IncWave}{rgb}{0,0,1}% <<< HERE % Color incoming wave
\definecolor{Color SurfRefl}{rgb}{0.0, 0.72, 0.92}% <<< HERE % Color surface refraction
\definecolor{Color ResFreq}{rgb}{1.0, 0.49, 0.0}% <<< HERE % Color f0
\definecolor{Color FocalPoint}{rgb}{0.03, 0.47, 0.19}% <<< HERE
% <<< HERE
\LensCenterX = 6;
\LensCenterY = 0;
\LensRadius = 1.75; % In cm
\FSSThick = 1; % In mm
\ArrowPos = (2/3)*\LensRadius;
\ArrowThick = 0.3; % In mm
}% <<< HERE
% <<< HERE
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.43,every node/.style={scale=0.9}]
\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
%- Supporting packages
%- Figures and subfigures packages
%- Last package to write, as it loads a bunch of them, an it could give clash problems
\usepackage{pgfplotstable} % Loads a bunch of packages
%- Loading of libraries from pre-loaed packages
\usetikzlibrary{math,% For computations. Variables must be declared in a tikzmath environment but can be used outside
decorations.markings, % For arrow tips
decorations.pathreplacing, % For brackets on image
calligraphy,} % For brackets on image
\tikzstyle{help lines}=[thin,gray!40]
\title{A title
\IEEEauthorblockA{LaTeX is not easy}
Ipsum lipsum diggity tippity.
%- Sections
\caption{This is a caption}
%- Define colors to be used
\definecolor{Color Lens}{rgb}{0, 1, 0.5}% % Color for lens
\definecolor{Color FSS}{rgb}{1.0, 0.49, 0.0}% % Color FSS
\definecolor{Color IncWave}{rgb}{0,0,1}% % Color incoming wave
\definecolor{Color SurfRefl}{rgb}{0.0, 0.72, 0.92}% % Color surface refraction
\definecolor{Color ResFreq}{rgb}{1.0, 0.49, 0.0}% % Color f0
\definecolor{Color FocalPoint}{rgb}{0.03, 0.47, 0.19}%
\LensCenterX = 6;
\LensCenterY = 0;
\LensRadius = 1.75; % In cm
\FSSThick = 1; % In mm
\ArrowPos = (2/3)*\LensRadius;
\ArrowThick = 0.3; % In mm
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.43,every node/.style={scale=0.9}]
%- Help grid
%\draw [help lines, step=1] (-12,-5) grid (11,5);
%- Lens
\draw [color = Color Lens, fill=Color Lens]
(\LensCenterX,\LensCenterY) circle (\LensRadius cm);
%- Inner lens drawing
\draw[color = Color FSS,line width=\ArrowThick mm,-stealth]
(\LensCenterX-1,\ArrowPos) -- (\LensCenterX+1,0.33) node [midway, below]{$f_0$};
\draw[color = Color FSS,line width=\ArrowThick mm,-stealth]
(\LensCenterX+1,-0.33) -- (\LensCenterX-1,-\ArrowPos);
%- Lens focal point
\draw [color = Color FocalPoint, fill = Color FocalPoint]
(\LensCenterX+1.3,0) circle (0.33 cm);
%- Metallic backside
\draw [color=Color FSS,line width=\FSSThick mm]
(\LensCenterX,\LensRadius) arc (-90:90:-\LensRadius cm); % Backside metallization
%- FSS
\draw [color=black,line width=\FSSThick mm]
(\LensCenterX,-\LensRadius) arc (90:270:-\LensRadius cm); % FSS
%- Annotate FSS
\node [anchor=west,color=Color FSS,inner sep=0,outer sep=0] (FSS) at (\LensCenterX-\LensRadius-0.1,2.3) {FSS (Passband)};
%- Annotate lens
\draw[-stealth,line width=\ArrowThick mm] (\LensCenterX-2,-2.5)
node [anchor = north] {Lens} -- (\LensCenterX,-\LensRadius+0.3);
%- Annotate metal
\draw[-stealth,line width=\ArrowThick mm] (\LensCenterX-0.25,-2.5)
node [anchor = north] {Metal} -- (\LensCenterX+0.5,-1.9);
%- Annotate Retroreflector
\draw[line width=\ArrowThick mm, decoration={calligraphic brace,mirror,raise=-1pt,amplitude=10pt},decorate]
(3,-3.25) -- node[below=6pt] {Retroreflector} (6.7,-3.25);
%- Annotate focal point
\draw[-stealth,line width=\ArrowThick mm] (8,-1.5)
node [anchor = north,align = left,inner sep=0,outer sep=0] {Focal \\ point} -- (\LensCenterX+1.4,-0.2);
%- Arrows
\draw[stealth-,line width=\ArrowThick mm, color = Color IncWave]
-- (-\LensCenterX+2,\ArrowPos)
node [anchor=south west] {\color{black} Incoming wave};
\draw[-stealth,line width=\ArrowThick mm, color = Color SurfRefl]
node [anchor=south east] {\color{black} Surface reflection (no $f_0$) }
-- (-\LensCenterX+2,0);
\draw[-stealth,line width=\ArrowThick mm, color = Color ResFreq]
node [anchor=south east] {\color{black} $f_0$ (Delayed)}
-- (-\LensCenterX+2,-\ArrowPos);
%- Reader text
\node[anchor = center] (Reader) at (-7.25,-1) {Reader};
%- Reader box
\draw [line width=\ArrowThick mm] (-8.5,-0.25) rectangle +(2.5,-1.5);
%- Reader antenna
\draw [line width=\ArrowThick mm] (-6,-1) -- ++(0.75,0) -- ++(0,1.6) --++(0,-0.8) --++ (0.35,0.8) --++ (-0.35,-0.8) --++ (-0.35,0.8);