编辑 1. 另一个“逻辑上”更好的解决方案

编辑 1. 另一个“逻辑上”更好的解决方案

我需要引用一篇发表于 1999 年但大约在 1970 年开始流传的论文(我不记得具体年份了,但很容易找到)。我现在正在写以下句子,不幸的是,这是错误的:

Since \citeauthor{maskin}'s \citeyearpar{maskin} seminal contribution, 
several necessary and sufficient conditions towards different types of 
implementation have been proposed and studied.

title = "Nash Equilibrium and Welfare Optimality",
author = "Eric Maskin",
journal = "Review of Economic Studies",
volume = "66",
number = "1",
pages = "23--38",
year = "1999",
url = "https://doi.org/10.1111%2F1467-937x.00076"


Since Maskin's (1999) seminal contribution, several necessary and sufficient conditions towards different types of implementation have been proposed and studied.

不幸的是,这句话是错误的,因为我提到的许多贡献都是在 1999 年之前。因此,我的问题是:

有没有办法在 biblatex 参考资料中添加该论文开始流传的原始年份?如果有办法这样做,我应该如何引用它以确保结果句子确实是真实的?





  title = "Nash Equilibrium and Welfare Optimality",
  author = "Eric Maskin",
  journal = "Review of Economic Studies",
  volume = "66",
  number = "1",
  pages = "23--38",
  year = "1999",
  origyear = {1977},
  addendum = {Originally disclosed in 1977}, 
  url = "https://doi.org/10.1111%2F1467-937x.00076"



Since \citeauthor{maskin}'s \citefield{maskin}[origyear]{origyear} seminal contribution, several necessary and sufficient conditions towards different types of implementation have been proposed and studied \parencite{maskin}.

Since \citeauthor{maskin}'s \citefield{maskin}[origyear]{origyear} seminal contribution \parencite{maskin}, several necessary and sufficient conditions towards different types of implementation have been proposed and studied.

Since \citeauthor{maskin}'s \citefield{maskin}[origyearB]{origyear} seminal contribution, several necessary and sufficient conditions towards different types of implementation have been proposed and studied.

Since \citeauthor{maskin}'s \citefield{maskin}[origyearC]{origyear} seminal contribution, several necessary and sufficient conditions towards different types of implementation have been proposed and studied.





编辑 1. 另一个“逻辑上”更好的解决方案



  title = "Nash Equilibrium and Welfare Optimality",
  author = "Eric Maskin",
  journal = "Review of Economic Studies",
  volume = "66",
  number = "1",
  pages = "23--38",
  year = "1999",
  origyear = {1977},
  addendum = {Originally disclosed in 1977}, 
  url = "https://doi.org/10.1111%2F1467-937x.00076"

  title = "Nash Equilibrium and Welfare Optimality",
  author = "Eric Maskin",
  year = {1977},
  addendum = {Manuscript. See \textcite{maskin}}



Since \citeauthor{maskin}'s \citeyearpar{maskin-unpub} seminal contribution, several necessary and sufficient conditions towards different types of implementation have been proposed and studied.





编辑 2. 最后一个解决方案。在我看来,这可能是最好的解决方案

Since \citeauthor{maskin}'s seminal contribution in \citefield{maskin}
{origyear}, several necessary and sufficient conditions towards 
different types of implementation have been proposed and studied 


