为学生提供 TeX 问题模板

为学生提供 TeX 问题模板

我是一名教师,我使用 准备家庭作业\documentclass{exam}。我知道当我编译为 PDF 时,我可以使用\documentclass[answers]{exam}它来生成包含解决方案的编译 PDF。

最近有一位学生向我索要一个 TeX 模板,他们可以用它来写入他们的解决方案。

当然,我不想提供所有需要的 TeX——因为它已经有了我的解决方案,如果他们已经有了答案,那么这个任务就不是什么大问题了!

相反,我想将我的 TeX“编译”成学生模板 TeX 文件,他们可以编辑、编译成自己的 PDF,然后提交。

是否有一个简单的工具,可以获取用考试文档类准备的 TeX 文档并生成另一个仅包含问题的 TeX 文件(即源代码)?


这将创建一个 LaTeX 文件来添加问题的答案,使用相同的文件名并附加答案(例如 test.tex 和 testAnswer.tex)。


  \immediate\openout\ExamAnswer{\jobname Answer.tex}%
  \string\ifnum\string\value{page}<\thepage\string\relax \string\newpage\string\fi
  \string\vspace*{\string\dimexpr\the\pagetotal-\string\pagetotal}Answer \thequestion\string\par}}
How high is up?
Where have all the flowers gone?


好的,这是我选定的路线。它使用 vim 的多行正则表达式匹配来删除我在 each\begin{solution}和之间写的所有内容\end{solution}


TEX=pdflatex -halt-on-error -interaction=nonstopmode

example-%.pdf: example-%.tex
    $(TEX) example-$*
    $(TEX) example-$*
    $(TEX) example-$*

template-%.pdf: template-%.tex
    $(TEX) example-$*
    $(TEX) example-$*
    $(TEX) example-$*

template-%.tex: example-%.tex
    cat example-$*.tex | vim -c ":%s/\\\\begin{solution}\_.\{-}\\\\end{solution}/\\\\begin{solution}\\\\end{solution}/g" -c "w! template-$*.tex" -c ":q!" -

然后,例如-01.tex 我可以放


\title{Homework 01 Example for Template}
\date{Due Date Goes Here}


    \question Recall Euler's identity, $e^{i\theta} = \cos\theta + i \sin \theta$.
            \part Express $\cos\theta$ in terms of $e^{+i\theta}$ and $e^{-i\theta}$.
                    Cosine is even and sine is odd. 
                    Add the two exponentials together to get
                        e^{+i\theta} + e^{-i\theta} 
                            &= (\cos \theta + i \sin \theta) + (\cos (-\theta) + i\sin(-\theta)) \\
                            &= (\cos \theta + i \sin \theta) + (+\cos \theta - i\sin\theta) \\
                            &= 2 \cos\theta + 0 i \sin \theta
                    Divide both sides to find
                        \cos\theta = \frac{e^{+i\theta} - e^{-i\theta}}{2}
            \part Express $\sin\theta$ in terms of $e^{+i\theta}$ and $e^{-i\theta}$.
                \begin{solution}Just as in the previous part, but subtract.
                        \sin\theta = \frac{e^{+i\theta} - e^{-i\theta}}{2i}
                    One of the most common careless mistakes is to forget the $i$ downstairs!
            \part Using the expressions you found above, show $\cos(\alpha+\beta) = \cos(\alpha)\cos(\beta) - \sin(\alpha)\sin(\beta)$.
                    Just expand!  The left hand side is
                    \begin{equation*}\cos(\alpha+\beta) = \frac{e^{+i(\alpha+\beta)} + e^{-i(\alpha+\beta)}}{2}\end{equation*}
                    The right-hand side is
                        \cos\alpha \cos\beta - \sin\alpha\sin\beta
                        &=  \left(\frac{e^{+i\alpha}+e^{-i\alpha}}{2}\right)
                            - \left(\frac{e^{+i\alpha}-e^{-i\alpha}}{2i}\right)
                            \left(\frac{e^{+i\beta}-e^{-i\beta}}{2i} \right)\\
                        &=  \frac{e^{+i(\alpha+\beta)} + e^{+i(\alpha-\beta)} + e^{-i(\alpha-\beta)} + e^{-i(\alpha+\beta)}}{4} \\
                        &\phantom{=} -\frac{e^{+i(\alpha+\beta)} - e^{+i(\alpha-\beta)} - e^{-i(\alpha-\beta)} + e^{-i(\alpha+\beta)}}{4i^2}  \\
                        &=  \frac{e^{+i(\alpha+\beta)} + e^{-i(\alpha+\beta)}}{2}
                    after a lot of cancellation and simplification (don't forget the $i^2$ in the basement of the sine term!).  I know personally I can never remember the angle-addition formulas.  So here is a way to derive them!

    \question Solve these simple differential equations.  Specify what parts of your solutions are arbitrary constants.  Explain where this differential equation might be useful and give the constants a meaning if you can.

    \part $y' = m$ with $m$ constant and $x$ the independent variable.
            It's a line.
            $y(x) = mx+b$ with $b$ that can be set by the $y$ intercept of the line (for example).
    \part $\ddot{y} = -g$ with $g$ constant and $t$ the independent variable.
            $y(t) = y_0 + v_0 t - \frac{1}{2}gt^2$ where $v_0$ and $y_0$ are arbitrary constants.  They are fixed by the initial conditions.  This equation arises when something falls under the influence of constant gravity.  Then, $y_0$ could be the initial height and $v_0$ the initial velocity.

            To show that this is the solution, you can integrate it.  Or, you can `guess' it and just plug it in!


可以使用 将其编译为 PDF,make example-01.pdf作为任务或键(带或不带[answers]documentclass。也可以使用make template-01.tex来获取新文件(template-01.tex),


\title{Homework 01 Example for Template}
\date{Due Date Goes Here}


    \question Recall Euler's identity, $e^{i\theta} = \cos\theta + i \sin \theta$.
            \part Express $\cos\theta$ in terms of $e^{+i\theta}$ and $e^{-i\theta}$.
            \part Express $\sin\theta$ in terms of $e^{+i\theta}$ and $e^{-i\theta}$.
            \part Using the expressions you found above, show $\cos(\alpha+\beta) = \cos(\alpha)\cos(\beta) - \sin(\alpha)\sin(\beta)$.

    \question Solve these simple differential equations.  Specify what parts of your solutions are arbitrary constants.  Explain where this differential equation might be useful and give the constants a meaning if you can.

    \part $y' = m$ with $m$ constant and $x$ the independent variable.
    \part $\ddot{y} = -g$ with $g$ constant and $t$ the independent variable.


包含所有解决方案的空间(带有\begin{solution}\end{solution}),但没有我准备的任何解决方案。该文档可以通过以下方式同样很好地编译make template-01.pdf

因此,我可以将其分发给template-01.tex学生,以便他们可以编写自己的答案的 PDF。
