我在 MikTex 中使用 revtex 时收到错误。此错误在 bibtex 激活时发生。
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (MiKTeX 2.9.6930 64-bit)
The top-level auxiliary file: humanomicsPropertiesPreprint.aux
The style file: apsrev4-2.bst
Database file #1: humanomicsPropertiesPreprintNotes.bib
Database file #2: bib.bib
control{REVTEX42Control}, control.key{N/A}, control.author{N/A}, control.editor{N/A}, control.title{N/A}, control.pages{N/A}, control.year{N/A}, control.eprint{N/A},
control{apsrev42Control}, control.key{N/A}, control.author{08}, control.editor{1}, control.title{0}, control.pages{0}, control.year{1}, control.eprint{N/A},
Warning--jnrlst (dependency: not reversed) set 1
apsrev4-2.bst 2019-01-14 (MD) hand-edited version of apsrev4-1.bst
Control: key (0)
Control: author (8) initials jnrlst
Control: editor formatted (1) identically to author
Control: production of article title (0) allowed
Control: page (0) single
Control: year (1) truncated
Control: production of eprint (0) enabled
Warning--empty year in SIC
"J. High Energy Phys." is a string literal, `journal' is a missing field
---they aren't the same literal types for entry Cou
while executing---line 3516 of file apsrev4-2.bst
您仍然可以使用 revtex4-2,通过手动添加, journal = ""
没有期刊字段的期刊(即,那些只有 arxiv 编号)。
此错误是由 ReVTeX4-2 发行版中的 apsrev4-2.bst 文件引起的。要修复此问题,请替换序言中的
当然,需要安装 RevTeX4-1 软件包。否则,您必须手动安装文件 apsrev4-1.bst。