\newcommand{\algheading}[1]{\State \textit{\bfseries #1}}
\algdef{SE}[FOR]{ForAll}{EndForAll}[1]{\algorithmicforall\ (#1)}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicfor}%
\algdef{SE}[IF]{If}{EndIf}[1]{\algorithmicif\ #1}{\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicif}%
\algdef{C}[IF]{IF}{ElsIf}[1]{\algorithmicelse\ \algorithmicif\ #1}%
\caption{Procedure to construct asymmetric matrix}
\State \quad Set of nodes~$N$ and arcs~$A$
\State \quad $c_{ij}$ information (energy consumption of drone by dynamics in arc~$(i,j)$
\State \quad $c_{ijk}$ information (energy consumption of drone's rotation in consecutive arcs~$(i,j,k)$
\algheading{Constructing an asymmetric matrix}
\ForAll{node $i,j \in N$}
\If{arc $(i,j) \in A$, and has headwind}
\State Generate a flight network with $c_{ij} + p_d (v_d) \frac{d_{ij}}{v_f}$
\ElsIf{arc $(i,j) \in A$, and has tailwind}
\State Generate a flight network with $c_{ij} - p_d (v_d) \frac{d_{ij}}{v_f}$
\ElsIf{arc $(i,j) \in A$}
\State Generate a flight network with $c_{ij} = \infty$