LVM2 无法唤醒挂起的逻辑卷

LVM2 无法唤醒挂起的逻辑卷


我正在使用 LVM2 并提供以下信息:

扫描 VG:

# vgs
  VG   #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree 
  unix   1   1   0 wz--n- 115.00g 45.00g


# lvs
  LV   VG   Attr   LSize  Origin Snap%  Move Log Copy%  Convert
  work unix -wi-s- 70.00g


# vgchange -ay
  device-mapper: resume ioctl failed: Invalid argument
  Unable to resume unix-work (254:1)
  1 logical volume(s) in volume group "unix" now active


# lvdisplay 
  /dev/mapper/unix-work: open failed: No such file or directory
  --- Logical volume ---
  LV Name                /dev/unix/work
  VG Name                unix
  LV UUID                HzzTTr-rX2d-w1dP-NEQL-QksJ-rmHW-jMTxO7
  LV Write Access        read/write
  LV Status              NOT available
  LV Size                70.00 GiB
  Current LE             17920
  Segments               2
  Allocation             inherit
  Read ahead sectors     auto

由于最后一个命令结束时出现错误:“/dev/mapper/unix-work:打开失败:没有这样的文件或目录”然后我必须运行 vgmknodes 来手动创建 /dev/ 节点,如下所示

# vgmknodes 
  The link /dev/unix/work should had been created by udev but it was not found. Falling back to direct link creation.


# lvdisplay 
  --- Logical volume ---
  LV Name                /dev/unix/work
  VG Name                unix
  LV UUID                HzzTTr-rX2d-w1dP-NEQL-QksJ-rmHW-jMTxO7
  LV Write Access        read/write
  LV Status              suspended
  # open                 0
  LV Size                70.00 GiB
  Current LE             17920
  Segments               2
  Allocation             inherit
  Read ahead sectors     auto
  - currently set to     256
  Block device           254:1


# mount /dev/unix/work /mnt/
mount: /dev/mapper/unix-work already mounted or /mnt/ busy

来自 dmesg 的消息:

[ 1527.566964] device-mapper: table: 254:1: sda3 too small for target: start=94372224, len=136306688, dev_size=224606491

所以,我的问题是:如何唤醒 LV 来挂载它或使用dd命令从 LVM 分区获取数据?




正如 psusi 评论所建议的,/dev/sda3 上的 PV 似乎小于 VG 大小(可能pvresize --setphysicalvolumesize somesizeG一次完成了 a)

2 个解决方案: - 扩展 /dev/sda3 - 减少 unix-work LV

但需要pvdisplay and /dev/sda3信息
