在 bibtex 条目的作者部分中转义一个点

在 bibtex 条目的作者部分中转义一个点

当我在 bibtex 条目的作者部分包含一个点/句号 ( .) 时,它似乎被剥离了。我尝试将其转义为\.和 并用括号括起来,但似乎没有任何效果。

我遇到了这个问题推荐引用Python 的 SciPy 库,如下所示。如您所见,它既包含一个单独的点(在 中SciPy 1.0 Contributors),又包含一个重音符号(在 中{\.I}lhan)。我通过用我在文档中定义的宏替换这两个点来解决这个问题,但我想知道点是否真的可以转义。

(我正在使用natbib,以及 Springer 的svjour3文档类别和spbasic参考书目样式,以防万一。)

  author  = {Virtanen, Pauli and Gommers, Ralf and Oliphant, Travis E. and
            Haberland, Matt and Reddy, Tyler and Cournapeau, David and
            Burovski, Evgeni and Peterson, Pearu and Weckesser, Warren and
            Bright, Jonathan and {van der Walt}, St{\'e}fan J. and
            Brett, Matthew and Wilson, Joshua and Millman, K. Jarrod and
            Mayorov, Nikolay and Nelson, Andrew R. J. and Jones, Eric and
            Kern, Robert and Larson, Eric and Carey, C J and
            Polat, {\.I}lhan and Feng, Yu and Moore, Eric W. and
            {VanderPlas}, Jake and Laxalde, Denis and Perktold, Josef and
            Cimrman, Robert and Henriksen, Ian and Quintero, E. A. and
            Harris, Charles R. and Archibald, Anne M. and
            Ribeiro, Ant{\^o}nio H. and Pedregosa, Fabian and
            {van Mulbregt}, Paul and {SciPy 1.0 Contributors}},
  title   = {{{SciPy} 1.0: Fundamental Algorithms for Scientific
            Computing in Python}},
  journal = {Nature Methods},
  year    = {2020},
  volume  = {17},
  pages   = {261--272},
  adsurl  = {https://rdcu.be/b08Wh},
  doi     = {10.1038/s41592-019-0686-2},



  1. 复制spbasic.bstmyspbasic.bst

  2. 编辑myspbasic.bst:在FUNCTION {format.names},更改行

    bibinfo bibinfo.check

    % remove.dots
    bibinfo bibinfo.check



