如何让 LaTeX 优先在段落之间放置分页符?

如何让 LaTeX 优先在段落之间放置分页符?



最小工作示例(使用 xelatex):





\section*{It was a dark and stormy night}


    \textbf{AOL Chat Room}\\
    \textbf{The Crash Pad – A Place to Start}
    ****GreenSky has entered the room.****
    Hello everyone. I would like to discuss the ethics of war and conquest.
    Which chat room would be a good place to do that?
    Whta a fukin nerd lol
    r u my social studies teacher? better get back 2 writing my essay 4 ur
    class roflmao
    I am new to using the Internet. I just want some advice.
    hiiiiii newbie! X3 *glomps you*
    Type 9 if ur a woman with a pic
    Hey GreenSky, my friend hangs out on an IRC channel where they talk
    about stuff like that sometimes.
    Check out the \#philosophy channel on the Undernet server.

\section*{It was a bright and sunny day}




有时分页符会恰好位于句柄和聊天语句的第一行之间。我特别想避免这种情况。我还希望 LaTeX 能够优先放置分页符之间段落,但是这比句柄后立即的分页符要好一些。


    Hello everyone. I would like to discuss the ethics of war and conquest.
    Which chat room would be a good place to do that?


