

我的风格指南有一些特点(在 tex.se 上似乎很常见)。对于某些著名的作品集,incollection条目会被引用没有脚注或参考书目中的“in”(指合集)。在 david-purton 的帮助下,我能够让脚注正常工作在回答我的问题时

但是,我还需要更改参考书目。“问题”在于,我只需要更改一些 incollection类型。也就是说,对于所有其他incollection类型,我仍然需要在参考书目中使用“In”。我查看了这些问题和答案这里这里, 和这里但它们都是全局解决方案。我找不到在biblatex-chicagobiblatex基于每个条目编辑此内容的选项。我认为如果我添加entrysubtype并测试,moewe 在上述问题中的解决方案可能会有效?这是一个 MWE:



        editor = {James Editorist},
        title  = {A Larger Collection of Essays},
        shorthand = {AMVCoE},
        volumes = {3},
        options   = {skipbib},
        publisher = {Oxford University Press},
        address = {Oxford},
        year = {1997}}
        editor = {John Q. Editormann},
        title  = {A Collection of Essays},
        shorthand = {ACoE},
        options   = {skipbib},
        publisher = {Oxford University Press},
        address = {Oxford},
        year = {1995}}
        crossref = {bigbook},
        entrysubtype = {tdict},
        options  = {skipbiblist},
        author   = {Steve Authormann},
        title    = {This is an Essay},
        pages    = {1-15}}
        crossref = {bigbook},
        entrysubtype = {tdict},
        options  = {skipbiblist},
        author   = {John Essaymann},
        title    = {An Essay on Collections},
        pages    = {16-30}}
        crossref = {mvbigbook},
        entrysubtype = {tdict},
        options  = {skipbiblist},
        author   = {Jack Essayist},
        title    = {An Essay on Multi Volume Collections},
        pages    = {2:31-40}}
        crossref = {mvbigbook},
        entrysubtype = {tdict},
        options  = {skipbiblist},
        author   = {Bob Contraryist},
        title    = {I do not like Multi Volume Collections},
        pages    = {3:100-104}}



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I need to reference this in a footnote.\fcd[See][]{incol} But this is
another footnote.\fcd[See][18]{incol2} I need the second footnote
twice.\fcd[20]{incol2} But I have a different argument.%
This is in contrast to what is seen in \cd[28]{incol2}.
} %>>>

This is a new reference collection.\fcmvd[See][]{incol3} But this is another
reference to it with pages.\fcmvd[See][3:101]{incol4} I should cite the first
one again.\fcmvd[2:35]{incol3} But perhaps it is wrong.%
This guy reall does not like essays, \cmvd[see][3:104]{incol4}.
} %>>>


脚注 围兜


如您所见,我遇到的另一个问题是,对于多卷条目,mvcollection 和页面(包括卷)之间不应该有逗号。我通过创建多卷引用命令以“黑客”方式在脚注中完成了此操作。但我还需要删除incollection父级为 的参考书目中的逗号mvcollection。也许删除参考书目中的“In”的解决方案可以轻松扩展为在父级为 时也删除逗号mvcollection?它也可以用于脚注吗?

更新: 我根据 moewe 的解决方案对上面的 MWE 进行了编辑,并给出了我的最佳猜测这里ifentrysubtype。但是它什么也不做。我认为中没有biblatex。但是,更新 bibmacro 也没有任何作用。我放置了各种文本,但我的 bib 中没有任何变化。所以它一定没有使用该宏。但是,我找不到 中任何其他可以biblatex.def与 配合使用的bibmacro in
