TikZ 的 `inner sep` 有负限吗?

TikZ 的 `inner sep` 有负限吗?

我通常使用负片inner sep来缩小白色填充的节点以覆盖某些文本后面的一行,但是当我尝试将它与一些长文本一起使用时,它会停止变小并再次开始增长。(第一盘第二盘

我发现这个答案这解释了inner sep在上的行为方式,我可以同时使用和来circle解决问题。(inner xsepinner ysep第三盘

我知道这inner sep会变得非常消极,以至于它会自我逆转并再次开始增长。但问题是:

为什么在再次生长之前不先inner sep达到零半径?

笔记:我知道有很多方法可以解决这个问题,但inner sep对我来说使用更实用。



\begin{tikzpicture} [ My Style/.style={circle, draw, fill=white} ]

    % Vertical lines
    \draw   (0,2) -- (0,-8)
            (3,2) -- (3,-8)
            (6,2) -- (6,-8);

    % First horizontal set (normal behavior)
    \node[My Style,                ] at (0,0)  {long long text};
    \node[My Style, inner sep=0pt  ] at (3,0)  {long long text};
    \node[My Style, inner sep=-10pt] at (6,0)  {long long text};

    % Second horizontal set ('inner sep' stops shrinking)
    \node[My Style, inner sep=-15pt] at (0,-3) {long long text};
    \node[My Style, inner sep=-20pt] at (3,-3) {long long text};
    \node[My Style, inner sep=-30pt] at (6,-3) {long long text};

    % Third horizontal set (solved with both 'inner xsep' and ' inner ysep')
    \node[My Style, inner xsep=-30pt, inner ysep=-4pt] at (0,-5) {long long text};
    \node[My Style, inner xsep=-30pt, inner ysep=-10pt] at (3,-5) {long long text};
    \node[My Style, inner xsep=-40pt, inner ysep=-10pt] at (6,-5) {long long text};

    % Fourth horizontal set (small text or no text)
    \node[My Style, inner sep=-5pt] at (0,-7) {text};
    \node[My Style, inner sep=-0pt] at (3,-7) {};
    \node[My Style, inner sep=-5pt] at (6,-7) {};


