未定义引用在 VSCode 中使用 LaTex Workshop

未定义引用在 VSCode 中使用 LaTex Workshop

我是 Visual Studio Code 中 LaTeX 的新手,在使用 LaTeX workshop 扩展时,我的文件出现了问题.bib。其他一切都正常,只是出于某种原因它无法读取我的.bib文件。

我正在使用磷灰石包。我同时使用两者\usepackage{apacite},并且正确使用了\bibliographystyle{apacite}命令。此外,我还将参考书目设置为与我的tex包位于同一文件夹中,并使用 调用它\bibliography{bib-file-name}


Rc files read:
Latexmk: This is Latexmk, John Collins, 29 September 2020, version: 4.70b.
Rule 'pdflatex': The following rules & subrules became out-of-date:
Run number 1 of rule 'pdflatex'
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LaTeX Warning: Citation `Painter2010' undefined on input line 47.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `White2014' undefined on input line 47.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `whiteandlaird2020' undefined on input line 47.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Berry2019' undefined on input line 47.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Willer2016' undefined on input line 47.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Bunyasi2019' undefined on input line 47.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Schildkraut2019' undefined on input line 47.

[2] [3]

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Lopez2006' undefined on input line 59.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `RileHayward2013' undefined on input line 61.


LaTeX Warning: Citation `Gilens1999' undefined on input line 63.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Kinder1996' undefined on input line 67.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Tesler2016' undefined on input line 67.


LaTeX Warning: Citation `VanDoorn2015' undefined on input line 71.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `winter2008' undefined on input line 71.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Wetts2018' undefined on input line 73.


LaTeX Warning: Citation `jardina2019' undefined on input line 75.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Petrow2018' undefined on input line 77.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Jardina2020' undefined on input line 77.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Takahashi2021' undefined on input line 77.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Schildkraut2017' undefined on input line 77.


LaTeX Warning: Citation `McDermott2005a' undefined on input line 79.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Sides2018' undefined on input line 79.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Wong2005' undefined on input line 79.


LaTeX Warning: Citation `Roberts2021' undefined on input line 85.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Huddy2001' undefined on input line 87.


LaTeX Warning: Citation `Enos2017' undefined on input line 89.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Howard2000' undefined on input line 91.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Leach2008b' undefined on input line 91.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Huddy2012' undefined on input line 91.


LaTeX Warning: Citation `Burden2014' undefined on input line 93.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Albertson2015' undefined on input line 93.

[11] [12]

LaTeX Warning: Reference `tab1' on page 13 undefined on input line 103.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Mackuen1989b' undefined on input line 103.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Green1998' undefined on input line 103.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Hopkins2009' undefined on input line 103.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Hopkins2010' undefined on input line 103.

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Hopkins2018' undefined on input line 103.


c:/Users/damon/Dropbox/white-identity-origins/drafts/dcr_white_identity_origins_context_draft_2.tex:149: LaTeX Error: Illegal character in array arg.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.149 ...mn{1}{1}{Standard errors in parentheses.}
[14] [15]

LaTeX Warning: Citation `Jardina2020b' undefined on input line 156.

[16] [17]
No file dcr_white_identity_origins_context_draft_2.bbl.

LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references.

LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right.

Package rerunfilecheck Warning: File `dcr_white_identity_origins_context_draft_2.out' has changed.
(rerunfilecheck)                Rerun to get outlines right
(rerunfilecheck)                or use package `bookmark'.

(\end occurred inside a group at level 1)

### semi simple group (level 1) entered at line 44 (\begingroup)
### bottom level
(see the transcript file for additional information)pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Jardina2020b} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Hopkins2018} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Hopkins2010} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Hopkins2009} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Green1998} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Mackuen1989b} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Albertson2015} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Burden2014} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Huddy2012} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Leach2008b} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Howard2000} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Enos2017} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Huddy2001} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Roberts2021} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Wong2005} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Sides2018} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.McDermott2005a} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Schildkraut2017} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Takahashi2021} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Jardina2020} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Petrow2018} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.jardina2019} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Wetts2018} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.winter2008} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.VanDoorn2015} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Tesler2016} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Kinder1996} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

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pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.RileHayward2013} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Lopez2006} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

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pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Willer2016} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Berry2019} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

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pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.White2014} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

pdfTeX warning (dest): name{cite.Painter2010} has been referenced but does not exist, replaced by a fixed one

Output written on c:/Users/damon/Dropbox/white-identity-origins/drafts/dcr_white_identity_origins_context_draft_2.pdf (17 pages, 93432 bytes).
SyncTeX written on c:/Users/damon/Dropbox/white-identity-origins/drafts/dcr_white_identity_origins_context_draft_2.synctex.gz.

Transcript written on c:/Users/damon/Dropbox/white-identity-origins/drafts/dcr_white_identity_origins_context_draft_2.log.
Latexmk: Non-existent bbl file 'dcr_white_identity_origins_context_draft_2.bbl in line'
 No file dcr_white_identity_origins_context_draft_2.bbl.
Latexmk: References changed.
Latexmk: References changed.
Latexmk: Log file says output to 'dcr_white_identity_origins_context_draft_2.pdf'
Latexmk: List of undefined refs and citations:
  Citation `Albertson2015' undefined on input line 93
  Citation `Berry2019' undefined on input line 47
  Citation `Bunyasi2019' undefined on input line 47
  Citation `Burden2014' undefined on input line 93
  Citation `Enos2017' undefined on input line 89
  Citation `Gilens1999' undefined on input line 63
  Citation `Green1998' undefined on input line 103
  Citation `Hopkins2009' undefined on input line 103
  Citation `Hopkins2010' undefined on input line 103
  Citation `Hopkins2018' undefined on input line 103
  Citation `Howard2000' undefined on input line 91
  Citation `Huddy2001' undefined on input line 87
  Citation `Huddy2012' undefined on input line 91
  Citation `Jardina2020' undefined on input line 77
  Citation `Jardina2020b' undefined on input line 156
  Citation `Kinder1996' undefined on input line 67
  Citation `Leach2008b' undefined on input line 91
  Citation `Lopez2006' undefined on input line 59
  Citation `Mackuen1989b' undefined on input line 103
  Citation `McDermott2005a' undefined on input line 79
  Citation `Painter2010' undefined on input line 47
  Citation `Petrow2018' undefined on input line 77
  Citation `RileHayward2013' undefined on input line 61
  Citation `Roberts2021' undefined on input line 85
  Citation `Schildkraut2017' undefined on input line 77
  Citation `Schildkraut2019' undefined on input line 47
  Citation `Sides2018' undefined on input line 79
  Citation `Takahashi2021' undefined on input line 77
  Citation `Tesler2016' undefined on input line 67
  Citation `VanDoorn2015' undefined on input line 71
  Citation `Wetts2018' undefined on input line 73
  Citation `White2014' undefined on input line 47
  Citation `Willer2016' undefined on input line 47
  Citation `Wong2005' undefined on input line 79
  Citation `jardina2019' undefined on input line 75
  Citation `whiteandlaird2020' undefined on input line 47
  Citation `winter2008' undefined on input line 71
  Reference `tab1' on page 13 undefined on input line 103
Latexmk: Examining 'c:/Users/damon/Dropbox/white-identity-origins/drafts/dcr_white_identity_origins_context_draft_2.log'
=== TeX engine is 'pdfTeX'
Latexmk: Found bibliography file(s) [white-identity-origins-project.bib]
Latexmk: Summary of warnings from last run of *latex:
  Latex failed to resolve 1 reference(s)
  Latex failed to resolve 37 citation(s)
Collected error summary (may duplicate other messages):
  pdflatex: Command for 'pdflatex' gave return code 1
      Refer to 'c:/Users/damon/Dropbox/white-identity-origins/drafts/dcr_white_identity_origins_context_draft_2.log' for details
Latexmk: Use the -f option to force complete processing,
 unless error was exceeding maximum runs, or warnings treated as errors.
Latexmk: Errors, so I did not complete making targets
C:\texlive\2020\bin\win32\runscript.tlu:915: command failed with exit code 12:
perl.exe c:\texlive\2020\texmf-dist\scripts\latexmk\latexmk.pl -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -pdf -outdir=c:/Users/damon/Dropbox/white-identity-origins/drafts c:/Users/damon/Dropbox/white-identity-origins/drafts/dcr_white_identity_origins_context_draft_2


我一直被同样的问题困扰,直到我意识到我需要在 TEX 选项卡中使用 pdflatex > bibtex > pdflatex x2 配方。

