请看下图。右箭头由 组成&
\usepackage{tikz, }
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, arrows.meta}
[mat/.style={matrix of nodes,
nodes={draw, minimum size=10mm, minimum width=15mm, fill=gray!10, anchor=north, },
column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
row sep=0.5mm,
nodes in empty cells,
row 1 column 1/.style={nodes={draw=none}},
row 2 column 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
row 2 column 2/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
row 2 column 8/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
row 2 column 9/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
row 5 column 4/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
row 5 column 5/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
row 5 column 6/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
row 1/.style={nodes={font=\ttfamily, draw=none, fill=none, minimum size=5mm}},
row 3/.style={nodes={font=\ttfamily, draw=none, fill=none, minimum size=5mm}},
row 4/.style={nodes={font=\ttfamily, draw=none, fill=none, minimum size=5mm}},
\matrix[mat] (array)
& & & & dhaka & & & & \\
& & & & 19 & & & & \\
& & & 20021 & 20022 & 20023 & & & \\
& sylhet & & & & & & khulna & \\
& 19 & & & & & & 20022 & \\
\draw [-{Latex[length=3mm]}] (array-2-5.south)--(array-5-8.north) node [near end, above, sloped] (TextNode) {\&};
\draw [-{Latex[length=3mm]}] (array-2-5.south)--(array-5-2.north);
draw, circle
只需在 的选项中使用node
\usepackage{tikz, }
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, arrows.meta}
[mat/.style={matrix of nodes,
nodes={draw, minimum size=10mm, minimum width=15mm, fill=gray!10, anchor=north, },
column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
row sep=0.5mm,
nodes in empty cells,
row 1 column 1/.style={nodes={draw=none}},
row 2 column 1/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
row 2 column 2/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
row 2 column 8/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
row 2 column 9/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
row 5 column 4/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
row 5 column 5/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
row 5 column 6/.style={nodes={draw=none, fill=none}},
row 1/.style={nodes={font=\ttfamily, draw=none, fill=none, minimum size=5mm}},
row 3/.style={nodes={font=\ttfamily, draw=none, fill=none, minimum size=5mm}},
row 4/.style={nodes={font=\ttfamily, draw=none, fill=none, minimum size=5mm}},
\matrix[mat] (array)
& & & & dhaka & & & & \\
& & & & 19 & & & & \\
& & & 20021 & 20022 & 20023 & & & \\
& sylhet & & & & & & khulna & \\
& 19 & & & & & & 20022 & \\
\draw [-{Latex[length=3mm]}] (array-2-5.south)--(array-5-8.north)
node [near end, above, sloped, draw, circle, inner sep=1pt,
fill=gray!10] (TextNode) {\&};
\draw [-{Latex[length=3mm]}] (array-2-5.south)--(array-5-2.north);