

Titlesec, 4.3. Variants, p.12 给出了以下代码:




但我不知道这与现有的 titlesec 代码如何匹配。下面是一个 MWE,其中注释掉了序言中似乎阻止编译的三行:

        \titleformat{\subsection}%formatting subsections
            {\hspace{10mm}\arabic{subsection}}%format title number
            {10mm}%Space between title number and title text
%%%==============Begin code I think prevents compilation    
%       \titleformat{\section}
%       {..}
 %      {\thesection\secmark\quad}{..}{..}
%%%==============End code I think prevents compilation  

\chapter{How to deal with Titlesec}
    \section{Usual Stuff}
That's \emph{relevant} stuff I had forgotten and which I had got by trial and error.
    \subsection{Formatting subsections.} This is the code  which I used according to \textbf{3. Advanced Interface} (p. 3):
    \textbackslash titleformat\{\textbackslash subsection\}\hspace{20mm}\% formatting subsection titles
            [runin]\hspace{10mm}\%Forces the content to follow immediately upon the title.
            \{\textbackslash normalfont\textbackslash bfseries\}%
            \{\textbackslash hspace\{10mm\}/arabic\{subsection\}\}\hspace{5mm}\%Formats the title number
            \{10mm\}\hspace{55.5mm}\%Space title number / text

    \section{Advanced Stuff}    
I want to star \emph{this} section according to \textbf{4.3. Variants} (p. 12): "Let’s suppose we want to mark some sections as “advanced topics” with an asterisk after the label. The following code does the job:"

Since I can't make it work, I am commenting the part in the Preamble that prevents compilation.

其中,这里是一份 pdf:在此处输入图片描述



此前缀设置\ifadvanced为 true,因此当排版章节编号时,其后将跟有星号。无论如何,在排版章节标题之前,条件设置为 false。






\chapter{How to deal with Titlesec}

\section{Usual Stuff}

That's \emph{relevant} stuff I had forgotten and which I had got by trial and error.

\advanced\section{Unusual Stuff}

This is mainly for demonstration purposes.

\section{Normal Stuff}

The missing asterisk means this is a normal section.












\chapter{How to deal with Titlesec}

\section{Usual Stuff}

That's \emph{relevant} stuff I had forgotten and which I had got by trial and error.

\section{Unusual Stuff}\label{unusual}

This is mainly for demonstration purposes. The reference~\ref{unusual} is correct.

\section{Normal Stuff}

The missing asterisk means this is a normal section.



