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\chapter*{Table of Legislation}

\contentsline{cases}{Abortion Act 1967}{150}{}

\contentsline{cases}{Access to Justice Act 1999}{155}{}

\contentsline{cases}{Brussels EEC Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments
in Civil and Commercial Matters 1968 (European Jurisdiction Convention)}{160}{}

\contentsline{cases}{\protect\numberline{2.4}Plot of the intensity of black-body radiation at a single frequency deep in the infrared
against temperature from a paper submitted to Annalen der Physik in February 1901
by Heinrich Rubens and Ferdinand Kurlbaum (1901). The figure clearly shows that
for long wavelengths the intensity varies linearly with the temperature, in agreement
with both the Planck law and the Rayleigh-Jeans law (which fails for shorter wave-
lengths). The data, however, are in sharp disagreement with the Wien law (Gearhart
2002, p. 180; Stone 2013, p. 9).}{5.87–5.88, 6.67,
7.111, 8.109, 9.61, 11.87, 14.96,
15.95, 17.104, 19.124, 21.75,
22.78, 23.231–23.232, 23.236,
23.238, 23.252, 24.45}{}



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\chapter*{Table of Legislation}

\leftrightparagraph{Abortion Act 1967}{150}
\leftrightparagraph{Access to Justice Act 1999}{155}
\leftrightparagraph{Brussels EEC Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments
in Civil and Commercial Matters 1968 (European Jurisdiction Convention)}{160}
\leftrightparagraph{Plot of the intensity of black-body radiation at a single frequency deep in the infrared
against temperature from a paper submitted to Annalen der Physik in February 1901
by Heinrich Rubens and Ferdinand Kurlbaum (1901). The figure clearly shows that
for long wavelengths the intensity varies linearly with the temperature, in agreement
with both the Planck law and the Rayleigh-Jeans law (which fails for shorter wave-
lengths). The data, however, are in sharp disagreement with the Wien law (Gearhart
2002, p.~180; Stone 2013, p.~9).}{5.87–5.88, 6.67,
7.111, 8.109, 9.61, 11.87, 14.96,
15.95, 17.104, 19.124, 21.75,
22.78, 23.231–23.232, 23.236,
23.238, 23.252, 24.45}

