如何在 Elsevier 的 cas-dc.cls 类文件中使用 APA6 样式

如何在 Elsevier 的 cas-dc.cls 类文件中使用 APA6 样式

上周我已将我的手稿提交给 ESWA(应用专家系统),但两天前他们发了一封有关我的引用格式的电子邮件。以下是邮件内容:

请注意,所有论文提交必须完全符合 ESWA 参考文献格式和参考文献列表(详情请参阅https://www.elsevier.com/journals/expert-systems-with-applications/0957-4174/guide-for-authors) 经过严格的同行评审过程。


文中的引用应遵循美国心理学会使用的参考文献格式。请参阅《美国心理学会出版手册》第六版,ISBN 978-1-4338-0561-5。APA 的文内引用要求作者姓氏和出版年份。您应该在文中引用出版物,例如 (Smith, 2020)。但是,您不应使用 [Smith, 2020]。注意:您的稿件中不应有 [1]、[2]、[3] 等。


参考文献应首先按第一作者姓氏的字母顺序排列,然后按作者名字的首字母排序,然后根据需要进一步按时间顺序排序。同一作者在同一年发表的多篇参考文献必须在出版年份后加上字母“a”、“b”、“c”等。例如,Van der Geer, J., Hanraads, JAJ, & Lupton, RA (2010). The art of writing a scientific article. Journal of Scientific Communications, 163, 51–59.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.Sc.2010.00372. 注意:参考文献列表中不应有 [1]、[2]、[3] 等。

您可以在以下网址查看已发布的 ESWA Open Access 文章中的参考文献样式和参考文献列表: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0957417420306138

因此,过去两天我一直尝试在我的稿件中使用 APA6 书目样式(cas-dc.cls),但到目前为止没有任何效果:

Author = {Peter M. Haas},
Date-Added = {2017-02-06 21:15:57 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2017-02-06 21:45:06 +0000},
Journal = {International Organization},
urldate = {2010-02-03T12:54:00},
Number = {3},
Pages = {377-403},
Publisher = {Peter Haas},
Read = {0},
Title = {Do regimes matter? {Epistemic} communities and {Mediterranean} pollution control},
url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2706652},
Volume = {43},
Year = {1989}}
%Below part is suggested at https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/352816/68836 
%It works actually but prints weird things on first page like "=0pt [],n;"
%These weird things disappers only if I import natbib package.
%But this time, citations and re. list becomes numerical whatever I do.
This is an in text citation: \textcite{Ha89}.  This is a parenthetical one: \parencite{Ha89} for biblatex suggested in https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/352816/68836
Also tried \cite{Ha89}, \citep{Ha89}, \citet{Ha89} etc. nothing worked.
\printbibliography %for the biblatex


在 cas-dc 的文档中,它建议使用elsarticle-num.bst数字或model2-names.bst字母。我使用第二个\usepackage[authoryear]{natbib},仍然打印[num]格式cite, citep, citet, citealt

我尝试了所有可能的配对方式(我的意思是\ usepackage{}\bibliographystyle{})以及所有可能的\cite***命令。除了biblatex但正如我之前所说,它在第一页上打印出奇怪的东西。



该类不能与一起使用,biblatex因为虽然它不加载包,但它使用了来自( )natbib的宏。因此,这意味着您需要使用带有选项的包来获取 APA 6 样式:natbib\bibsepapacite[natbibapa]

Author = {Peter M. Haas},
Date-Added = {2017-02-06 21:15:57 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2017-02-06 21:45:06 +0000},
Journal = {International Organization},
urldate = {2010-02-03T12:54:00},
Number = {3},
Pages = {377-403},
Publisher = {Peter Haas},
Read = {0},
Title = {Do regimes matter? {Epistemic} communities and {Mediterranean} pollution control},
url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2706652},
Volume = {43},
Year = {1989}}
\title{A title}
\author{an Author}
This is an in text citation: \citet{Ha89}.  This is a parenthetical one: \citep{Ha89} for biblatex suggested in https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/352816/68836
Also tried \cite{Ha89}, \citep{Ha89}, \citet{Ha89} etc. nothing worked.

