我有一张大表格(17 列,29 行)。我想将其横向放置并分布在多个页面上。
- \usepackage{pdflscape}
- \usepackage{longtable}
- \newcommand{\blandscape}{\begin{landscape}}
- \newcommand{\elandscape}{\end{landscape}}
Study & Study design & Groups (n) & Study duration (weeks) & CKD Stage & Mean eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) & Other population characteristics & Age (years) & Country & Intervention frequency/ duration & Aerobic & Resitance & Other elements of intervention & Primary Outcomes & Secondary Outcomes & Additional laboratory outcomes & Statistically significant findings in exercise group \\
Aoike 2015 & Randomised controlled trial & Home-based exercise (14); Control (15) & 12 & 3-4 & Exercise = 28.4; Control = 25.3 & Overweight (BMI\textgreater{}25) & & Brazil & 30-50 minutes, 3 x per week & Walking; aiming for VT & Nil & Dietary instruction for all patients & Cardiorespiratory fitness, physical function & Laboratory measures, BP, body composition, BMI & HbA1C, GFR, Hb, albumin & Improved VO2 peak etc, improved physical funcation; improved eGFR; reduced HbA1c; reduced SBP and DBP \\
Aoike 2018 & Randomised controlled trial & Home-based group (12); Center-based exercise group (13); Control group (15) & 24 & 3-4 & 26.9 & Overweight & 56 & Brazil & 40-60 minutes, 3 x per week & Moderate (40-60\% VO2max): home-based = walking; centre-based = treadmill & Nil & & Physical function; Quality of life; Sleep; Blood pressure; Laboratory measures & & eGFR; HbA1C & Improved BP and HbA1C in both exercise groups. Improved QoL and sleep. Improved functional capacity and cardiorespiratory fitness (including VO2peak) \\
- 缩小文本:我已经将其放在
表格前面,但我希望标题行的文本尺寸更大。我尝试将其\rowfront {\large}
放在第一行前面,但出现了! Undefined control sequence
错误 - 改变行的大小,使它们都更高,从而将表格扩展到更多页面。