titletoc 与 appendix 发生意外的交互?

titletoc 与 appendix 发生意外的交互?

我有一篇论文(书籍类文档),其中包含多个章节和附录。我使用 titletoc 和 titlesec 来格式化章节标题和目录。当我创建附录时,附录的标题格式按预期包含单词“附录”,但目录中的同一项目却包含单词“章节”。我不明白为什么我的代码在目录中返回单词“章节”而不是“附录”。有人知道如何在目录中获取单词“附录”而不是“章节”吗?


% Chapter title formatting
\titleformat{\chapter} % command
    [display] % shape
    {\filcenter} % format
    {\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename} \thechapter \vspace{1em}} % label
    {0pt} % separation
    {\MakeUppercase} % before code
% Chapter table of contents formatting
\titlecontents{chapter} % section name to be formatted
    [1in] % distance from left margin
    {} % code for formatting before the entry
    {\contentslabel[\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename}~\thecontentslabel]{7em}\uppercase} % format when the chapter has a number
    {} % format when the chapter has no number
    {\titlerule*[1ex]{.}\contentspage} % format for the filler (leader line) and page number



\chapter{An Example Chapter}
To be or not to be, that is the question...

\chapter{Another Example Chapter}
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune...

\chapter{The First Appendix}
Note that the chaptername command returns \chaptername~while the appendixname command returns \appendixname~and the chaptertitlename command returns \chaptertitlename~but this behavior does not seem to be preserved in the table of contents.



\appendix重新定义了\chaptertitlenamefrom \chapternameto \appendixname。但是它没有在附录开始的 toc 文件中放入任何信息:

\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {1}An Example Chapter}{1}{}%
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {2}Another Example Chapter}{3}{}%
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {A}The First Appendix}{5}{}%

您可以重新定义\appendix,将一个宏添加到 toc 文件中,\chaptertitlename在本地重新定义。一种可能性是




% Chapter title formatting
\titleformat{\chapter} % command
    [display] % shape
    {\filcenter} % format
    {\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename} \thechapter \vspace{1em}} % label
    {0pt} % separation
    {\MakeUppercase} % before code
% Chapter table of contents formatting
\titlecontents{chapter} % section name to be formatted
    [1in] % distance from left margin
    {} % code for formatting before the entry
    {\contentslabel[\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename}~\thecontentslabel]{7em}\uppercase} % format when the chapter has a number
    {} % format when the chapter has no number
    {\titlerule*[1ex]{.}\contentspage} % format for the filler (leader line) and page number


\chapter{An Example Chapter}
To be or not to be, that is the question...
\chapter{Another Example Chapter}
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune...

\chapter{The First Appendix}
Note that the chaptername command returns \chaptername~while the appendixname command returns \appendixname~and the chaptertitlename command returns \chaptertitlename~but this behavior does not seem to be preserved in the table of contents.



esdd 答案的变体。由于\appendix如此\gdef\@chapapp{\appendixname},我们也需要使用全局定义。






% Chapter title formatting
\titleformat{\chapter} % command
    [display] % shape
    {\filcenter} % format
    {\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename} \thechapter \vspace{1em}} % label
    {0pt} % separation
    {\MakeUppercase} % before code
% Chapter table of contents formatting
\titlecontents{chapter} % section name to be formatted
    [1in] % distance from left margin
    {} % code for formatting before the entry
    {\contentslabel[\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename}~\thecontentslabel]{7em}\MakeUppercase} % format when the chapter has a number
    {} % format when the chapter has no number
    {\titlerule*[1ex]{.}\contentspage} % format for the filler (leader line) and page number



\chapter{An Example Chapter}
To be or not to be, that is the question...

\chapter{Another Example Chapter}
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune...

\chapter{The First Appendix}
Note that the chaptername command returns \chaptername~while the appendixname command 
returns \appendixname~and the chaptertitlename command returns \chaptertitlename~but 
this behavior does not seem to be preserved in the table of contents.


