discardrow if not/.style 2 args={
row predicate/.code={
Category Value Score
A 2 1.1
A 10 2.2
A 20 1.1
A 30 4.2
A 40 4.6
B 2 1.2
B 10 1.1
B 20 1.1
B 30 1.2
B 40 1.1
\pgfplotstabletypeset[columns={Value, Score},
columns/Category/.style={string type},
discardrow if not={Category}{A}]\loadedtable
\pgfplotstabletypeset[columns={Value, Score},
columns/Category/.style={string type},
discardrow if not={Category}{B}]\loadedtable
Value Score A Score B
2 1.1 1.2
10 2.2 1.2
20 1.1 1.1
30 4.2 1.2
40 4.6 1.1
我们可以用 来做那件事pgfplots
为了避免出现虚假空格,请记住在 的定义内%
标有 的行末尾添加符号。<----
Category Value Score
A 2 1.1
A 10 2.2
A 20 1.1
A 30 4.2
A 40 4.6
B 2 1.2
B 10 1.1
B 20 1.1
B 30 1.2
B 40 1.1
discardrow if not/.style 2 args={
row predicate/.code={% <-----
\def\pgfplotstable@loc@TMPd{\pgfplotstablegetelem{##1}{#1}\of}% <-----
\expandafter\pgfplotstable@loc@TMPd\pgfplotstablename% <-----
\edef\tempa{\pgfplotsretval}% <-----
\edef\tempb{#2}% <-----
\pgfplotstabletypeset[columns={Value, Score},
columns/Score/.style={column name=Score A},
discardrow if not={Category}{A}
% <- Add this or remove the line
columns/Score/.style={column name=Score B},
discardrow if not={Category}{B}
或者,这会产生相同的结果,但不使用 usgin \pgfplotstableset
\pgfplotstabletypeset[columns={Value, Score},
columns/Score/.style={column name=Score A},
skip rows between index={5}{10},
% <- Add this or remove the line
columns/Score/.style={column name=Score B},
skip rows between index={0}{5},