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& \textbf{Epidemiology}
& \textbf{Etiology}
& \textbf{Pathogenesis}
& \textbf{Clinical manifestation}
& \textbf{Diagnostic workup}
& \textbf{Morphology}
Hepatocellular adenomas
& Women taking estrogen rich oral contraceptives and body builders taking anabolic steroids
& 30 to 40 fold higher in oral contraceptive users compared to nonusers
& Inactivation of HNF1-$\alpha$, activation of $\beta$-Catenin, and chronic irritation of inflammatory processes
& 50\% are asymptomatic, mild ill-defined abdominal pain in right hypochondrium or epigastrium, bloating, hepatomegaly with mild tenderness
& Elevated ALP, GGT, and within range $\alpha$-FP as long as the lesion doesn't become malignant. WBC, fibrinogen, CRP maybe elevated. Core needle biopsy is useless unless stained with immuno-histochemical stains. US fails to dx. Dynamic MRI with hepatocyte specific contrast agent is the best modality. Dynamic CT can also be useful at times.
& HNF1-$\alpha$ mutated are fatty and devoid of cellular or architectural atypia. $\beta$-Catenin mutated have a high degree of cytologic or architectural dysplasia. Adenomas due to inflammatory processes are comprised only of hepatocytes and vessels with minor amounts of stroma.
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& \textbf{Epidemiology}
& \textbf{Etiology}
& \textbf{Pathogenesis}
& \textbf{Clinical manifestation}
& \textbf{Diagnostic workup}
& \textbf{Morphology}
Hepatocellular adenomas
& Women taking estrogen rich oral contraceptives and body builders taking anabolic steroids
& 30 to 40 fold higher in oral contraceptive users compared to nonusers
& Inactivation of HNF1-$\alpha$, activation of $\beta$-Catenin, and chronic irritation of inflammatory processes
& 50\% are asymptomatic, mild ill-defined abdominal pain in right hypochondrium or epigastrium, bloating, hepatomegaly with mild tenderness
& Elevated ALP, GGT, and within range $\alpha$-FP as long as the lesion doesn't become malignant. WBC, fibrinogen, CRP maybe elevated. Core needle biopsy is useless unless stained with immuno-histochemical stains. US fails to dx. Dynamic MRI with hepatocyte specific contrast agent is the best modality. Dynamic CT can also be useful at times.
& HNF1-$\alpha$ mutated are fatty and devoid of cellular or architectural atypia. $\beta$-Catenin mutated have a high degree of cytologic or architectural dysplasia. Adenomas due to inflammatory processes are comprised only of hepatocytes and vessels with minor amounts of stroma.
\item[Hepatocellular adenomas]\hfill
\item[Epidemiology] Women taking estrogen rich oral contraceptives and body builders taking anabolic steroids
\item[Etiology] 30 to 40 fold higher in oral contraceptive users compared to nonusers
\item[Pathogenesis] Inactivation of HNF1-$\alpha$, activation of $\beta$-Catenin, and chronic irritation of inflammatory processes
\item[Clinical manifestation] 50\% are asymptomatic, mild ill-defined abdominal pain in right hypochondrium or epigastrium, bloating, hepatomegaly with mild tenderness
\item[Diagnostic workup] Elevated ALP, GGT, and within range $\alpha$-FP as long as the lesion doesn't become malignant. WBC, fibrinogen, CRP maybe elevated. Core needle biopsy is useless unless stained with immuno-histochemical stains. US fails to dx. Dynamic MRI with hepatocyte specific contrast agent is the best modality. Dynamic CT can also be useful at times.
\item[Morphology] HNF1-$\alpha$ mutated are fatty and devoid of cellular or architectural atypia. $\beta$-Catenin mutated have a high degree of cytologic or architectural dysplasia. Adenomas due to inflammatory processes are comprised only of hepatocytes and vessels with minor amounts of stroma.