Tufte documentclass 中 \full{\printindex} 的布局问题

Tufte documentclass 中 \full{\printindex} 的布局问题

我想在 Tufte 文档类中编辑整个页面宽度上的两个索引(index 和 index [piece])。我使用的代码如下 MWE 中所述:

  \renewcommand{\smallcaps}[1] {\smallcapsspacing{\scshape\MakeTextLowercase{#1}}}
  \setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
  \setsansfont{TeX Gyre Heros}[Scale=MatchUppercase]
\usepackage{fancyvrb} % The fancyvrb package lets us customize the formatting of verbatim






\newcommand{\plainsubtitle}{}%     plain-text-only subtitle
  \renewcommand{\plainsubtitle}{#1}% use provided plain-text title
    {}% hyperref is not loaded; do nothing
    {\hypersetup{pdftitle={\plaintitle: \plainsubtitle{}}}}% set the PDF metadata title

\title{This is the title of the book} 
\subtitle{This is the subtitle of the book}
\publisher{Name of the editor}  

\newcommand{\VDQI}{\textit{The Visual Display of Quantitative Information}\xspace}
\newcommand{\EI}{\textit{Envisioning Information}\xspace}
\newcommand{\VE}{\textit{Visual Explanations}\xspace}
\newcommand{\BE}{\textit{Beautiful Evidence}\xspace}

\newfontfamily\emmentaler{emmentaler-11.otf}[Scale=MatchLowercase] %other fonts: emmentaler-11.otf emmentaler-13.otf emmentaler-14.otf emmentaler-16.otf emmentaler-18.otf emmentaler-20.otf emmentaler-23.otf emmentaler-26.otf
\usepackage{kantlipsum} % dummy text added
\usepackage[french]{babel}%.................. Language setup




  \ifcase\month\or janvier\or f\'{e}vrier\or mars\or avril\or mai\or juin\or
  juillet\or ao\^{u}t\or septembre\or octobre\or novembre\or

  \noindent\allcaps{#1}\\% epigraph
  \noindent\allcaps{#2}% author


\setlength{\rmarginW}{\marginparwidth +\marginparsep}
\newcommand{\hlred}[1]{\textcolor{Maroon}{#1}}% prints in red
\newcommand{\hairsp}{\hspace{1pt}}% hair space
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\newcommand{\TODO}{\textcolor{red}{\bf TODO!}\xspace}
\newcommand{\tuftebs}{\symbol{'134}}% a backslash in tt type in OT1/T1
\newcommand{\doccmdnoindex}[2][]{\texttt{\tuftebs#2}}% command name -- adds backslash automatically (and doesn't add cmd to the index)
    {% add the command to the index
      \index{#2 command@\protect\hangleft{\texttt{\tuftebs}}\texttt{#2}}% command name
    {% add the command and package to the index
  \index{#2 command@\protect\hangleft{\texttt{\tuftebs}}\texttt{#2} (\texttt{#1} package)}% command name
  \index{#1 package@\texttt{#1} package}\index{packages!#1@\texttt{#1}}% package name
}% command name -- adds backslash automatically
    {% add the command to the index
      \index{#2 command@\protect\hangleft{\texttt{\tuftebs}}\texttt{#2}}% command name
    {% add the command and package to the index
      \index{#2 command@\protect\hangleft{\texttt{\tuftebs}}\texttt{#2} (\texttt{#1} package)}% command name
      \index{#1 package@\texttt{#1} package}\index{packages!#1@\texttt{#1}}% package name
}% command name -- adds backslash automatically
{\ensuremath{\langle}\textrm{\textit{#1}}\ensuremath{\rangle}}% optional command argument
 \newcommand{\docarg}[1]{\textrm{\textit{#1}}}% (required) command argument
{\end{quotation}}% command specification environment
\newcommand{\docenv}[1]{\texttt{#1}\index{#1 environment@\texttt{#1} environment}\index{environments!#1@\texttt{#1}}}% environment name
\newcommand{\docenvdef}[1]{\hlred{\texttt{#1}}\label{env:#1}\index{#1 environment@\texttt{#1} environment}\index{environments!#1@\texttt{#1}}}% environment name
\newcommand{\docpkg}[1]{\texttt{#1}\index{#1 package@\texttt{#1} package}\index{packages!#1@\texttt{#1}}}% package name
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% Début Module pour insérer les ornements des parties
    \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >-2\relax
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% Fin Module pour insérer les ornements des parties









    description={Début du discours, qui vise à rendre l'auditoire docile, attentif et bienveillant}

    description={Exposé des faits, qui constitue la seconde partie du discours judiciaire après l'exorde. La narration était le premier exercice de rhétorique}

    description={Partie argumentative du discours judiciaire, accompagné en général d'un réfutation (\textit{Confutatio})}

    description={La fin du discours judiciaire, qui le résume et en accentue le \textit{pathos}, par l'appel à la colère ou la pitié}



\makeindex[name=piece,intoc,title={Index des \oe uvres},columns=2]







% v.4 copyright page
Copyright \the\year\ Me

\par\smallcaps{\'{E}dité par \thanklesspublisher}


\par Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ``License''); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at \url{http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0}. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an \smallcaps{``AS IS'' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND}, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

\par\textit{Premi\`{e}re \'{e}dition, \monthyear}

% r.7 dedication
\dedication{Text of dedication}

% r.5 Remerciements et Préface


% r.9 introduction

The introduction remains to be written.

% Start the main matter (normal chapters)
\part{First Part of the book}


\newthought{This is the} paragraph dedicated to the preamble of the presentation of the part of this book.

\chapter{The Seven Toccatas}

\newthought{The Toccatas for} Keyboard, BWV 910–916, are seven pieces for clavier written by Johann Sebastian Bach. Although the pieces were not originally organized into a collection by Bach himself (as were most of his other keyboard works, such as the Well Tempered Clavier and the English Suites etc.), the pieces share many similarities, and are frequently grouped and performed together under a collective title. \footnote{From Wikipedia:  Toccatas fo Keyboard(Bach))}

\item Toccata in F-sharp minor \index{Toccata in F-sharp minor, BWV 910}
\item Toccata in C-minor \index{Toccata in C-minor, BWV 911}
\item Toccata in D-major \index{Toccata in D-major, BWV 912}
\item Toccata in D-minor \index{Toccata in D-minor, BWV 913}
\item Toccata in E-minor \index{Toccata in E-minor, BWV 914}
\item Toccata in G-minor \index{Toccata in G-minor, BWV 915}
\item Toccata in G-major \index{Toccata in G-major, BWV 916}

\chapter{The other keyboard works}

\section{Des \oe uvres}

In this example, several keywords\index[piece]{keywords2} will be used which are important and deserve to appear in the Index\index[piece]{Index2}.

Chorale No. 3 in A minor \index{Chorale No. 3 in A minor}
Symphony No. 3 "Organ" -- Finale \index{Symphony No. 3 "Organ" -- Finale}
Symphony for Organ No. 5 in F Major -- Toccata \index{Symphony for Organ No. 5 in F Major -- Toccata}
La Nativité du Seigneur \index{La Nativité du Seigneur}
Crown Imperial March \index{Crown Imperial March (arranged for organ by Herbert Murrill)}

\index{Concerto for Organ, Timpani and Strings in G minor}

\index{Land of Hope and Glory Pomp and Circumstance Military March No. 1}

Organ Symphony No. 1 in D minor, Op. 14, VI. \index{Organ Symphony No. 1 in D minor, Op. 14, VI. Finale}

\index{Organ Concerto HWV 306 - Op. 7 No. 1 in B flat major}

Fugue in G minor BWV 578 \index[piece]{Fugue in G minor BWV 578}
\index[piece]{Edvard Grieg – Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 Op. 46: Morning Mood}
\index[piece]{Ludwig van Beethoven – Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67, "Fate": I. Allegro Con Brio }

The Four Seasons, Op. 8 \index[piece]{Antonio Vivaldi – The Four Seasons, Op. 8, "Spring": Allegro}

\index[piece]{Samuel Barber – Adagio for Strings}

The Valkyrie: Ride of the Valkyries \index[piece]{Richard Wagner – The Valkyrie: Ride of the Valkyries }

Nocturne No. 2 in E-Flat major, Op. 9 \index[piece]{Frédéric Chopin – Nocturne No. 2 in E-Flat major, Op. 9 }

\index[piece]{Johann Pachelbel – Canon in D major }

\index[piece]{Carl Orff – Carmina Burana: O Fortuna }
\index[piece]{Johann Sebastian Bach – Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major, BWV 1068: Air }
\index[piece]{Gustav Holst – The Planets, Op. 32: Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity }

\index[piece]{Claude Debussy – Suite bergamasque, L 75: Clair de Lune }

\index[piece]{Giuseppe Verdi – Nabucco: Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves (Va', Pensiero, Sull'ali Dorate) }

\index[piece]{Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major, K. 467: II. Andante }

Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major \index[piece]{Johann Sebastian Bach – 
Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major, BWV 1048: Allegro }

   Thaïs: Meditation \index[piece]{Jules Massenet – Thaïs: Meditation }

\index[piece]{Antonín Dvořák – Symphony No. 9 in E minor, Op. 95, "From the New World": II. Largo }

\index[piece]{Johann Strauss II – On the Beautiful Blue Danube, Op. 314 }

\index[piece]{Johannes Brahms – Hungarian Dance No. 5 in G minor }

\index[piece]{Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky – Swan Lake Suite, Op. 20: Scene }

\index[piece]{Erik Satie – Gymnopédie No. 1 } 

\index[piece]{Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Requiem, K. 626: Lacrimosa Dies Illa }

\index[piece]{Ludwig van Beethoven – Bagatelle in A minor, Wo Op. 59, "Für Elise" }

\index[piece]{Edward Elgar – Pomp and Circumstance, Op. 39: Land of Hope and Glory }

\index[piece]{Georges Bizet – Carmen Suite No. 2: Habanera }

\index[piece]{Ludwig van Beethoven – Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, "Choral": Ode an Die Freude }

\index[piece]{Jacques Offenbach – The Tales of Hoffmann: Barcarolle }

\index[piece]{Remo Giazotto – Adagio in G minor for Strings and Organ (after T. Albinoni) }

\index[piece]{Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Serenade No. 13 in G major, K. 525, "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik": I. Allegro }

\index[piece]{Gioachino Rossini – The Barber of Seville: Overture }

\index[piece]{Ludwig van Beethoven – Piano Sonata No. 14 in C-sharp minor, Op. 27:2, "Moonlight Sonata": Adagio Sostenuto }

\index[piece]{Bedřich Smetana – Má Vlast (My Fatherland): Vltava (The Moldau River) }

\index[piece]{Luigi Boccherini – String Quintet in E major, Op. 13: Minuet }

\index[piece]{Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550: I. Allegro Molto }

\index[piece]{Antonín Dvořák – Slavonic Dance No. 2, Op. 72 }

\index[piece]{Charles Gounod – Ave Maria (after J.S. Bach) }

\index[piece]{Jean Sibelius – Finlandia, Op. 26 }

\index[piece]{Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major, K. 331: Rondo: Alla Turca }

\index[piece]{Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – The Magic Flute, K. 620: Overture }

\index[piece]{George Frideric Handel – The Messiah, HWV 56: Hallelujah Chorus }

\index[piece]{Edvard Grieg – Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46: In the Hall of the Mountain King }

\index[piece]{Gabriel Fauré – Pavane }

\index[piece]{Johann Sebastian Bach – Double Concerto in D minor for Two Violins, BWV 1043: Vivace }

\index[piece]{Georges Bizet – L'Arlésienne Suite No. 1: Prelude }

\index[piece]{Johann Strauss I – Radetzky March, Op. 228 }

\index[piece]{Ludwig van Beethoven – Egmont, Op. 84: Overture }

\index[piece]{Stanley Myers – Cavatina }

\index[piece]{Arcangelo Corelli – Concerto G rosso No. 8 in G minor, Op. 6: "Christmas Concerto": Allegro }

\index[piece]{Sergei Rachmaninoff – Vocalise, Op. 34 }

\index[piece]{Giuseppe Verdi – Messa Da Requiem: Dies Irae – Tuba Mirum }

\index[piece]{Gustav Mahler – Symphony No. 5: Adagietto }


\part{This is the second part of the book}

\chapter{First chapter of the second part}
\textit{\Gls{Exorde}}, \textit{\Gls{Narration}}, \textit{\Gls{Confirmation}}, 


\chapter{This is the second chapter}

\newthought{The continuation of} the book is still to be written...

\part{This is the third part of the book}

\chapter{First chapter}

\chapter{Second chapter}

\backmatter %<= I want a Full page environment from here.


\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced, breakable, colback=white, colframe=white, check odd page, toggle left and right, grow to right by=\marginparwidth+\marginparsep, toggle enlargement=evenpage]
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\printbibliography[type=misc, heading=subbibintoc, title= Sources internet]


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结果如下图所示。如何让索引尊重页边距并在页面已满时转到下一页以解决该问题?我也不明白为什么“作品索引”(index[piece])从偶数页开始...... 在此处输入图片描述



tufte book在请求使上述材料和其他一些部分使用整个页面宽度后,答案进行了更新。

虽然该类提供了全宽环境,但在这种情况下,书籍是非标准尺寸,并将在 A4 纸上居中打印。此任务将由包完成geometry。(无需使用crop)。


MWE 代码中只保留了此任务所需的包。该类tufte-book加载了大量包(请参阅日志文件中的列表),因此最好逐个添加它们并测试它们之间的兼容性xelatex

一章tufte book








TOC 全宽(由 OP 完成etoc,不是答案的一部分)



\listfiles % list used files in log

% !TeX TS-program = xelatex  

%%%% + makeglossary & two compiles

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\RequirePackage{showframe} % margin line <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


\renewcommand{\smallcaps}[1] {\smallcapsspacing{\scshape\MakeTextLowercase{#1}}}

\usepackage{libertine} %<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
%\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
\setsansfont{TeX Gyre Heros}[Scale=MatchUppercase]

\newcommand{\plainsubtitle}{}%     plain-text-only subtitle
    \renewcommand{\plainsubtitle}{#1}% use provided plain-text title
    {}% hyperref is not loaded; do nothing
    {\hypersetup{pdftitle={\plaintitle: \plainsubtitle{}}}}% set the PDF metadata title

%%\usepackage{lilyglyphs} %<<<< needs lualatex !

\usepackage{kantlipsum} % dummy text added

%%%%*********************************************** TOC
{\nobreak\leaders\hbox{\bfseries\normalsize\hbox to .75ex {\hss.\hss}}%

\etocsetstyle {part}
{\parindent 0pt
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\etocsetstyle {chapter}
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{\leftskip 0pt \rightskip .75cm \parfillskip-\rightskip
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{\parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil\relax }

\etocsetstyle {section}
{\leftskip1cm\rightskip .75cm \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil\relax
    \etocname{} (p. \etocpage). }
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\etocsettagdepth {linestyles} {section}
\etocsettagdepth {globalcmds} {section}
\etocsettagdepth {custom} {none}

    \ifcase\month\or janvier\or f\'{e}vrier\or mars\or avril\or mai\or juin\or
    juillet\or ao\^{u}t\or septembre\or octobre\or novembre\or





\addbibresource{biblatex-examples.bib} %<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< examples from biblatex instalation


    description={Début du discours, qui vise à rendre l'auditoire docile, attentif et bienveillant}

    description={Exposé des faits, qui constitue la seconde partie du discours judiciaire après l'exorde. La narration était le premier exercice de rhétorique}

    description={Partie argumentative du discours judiciaire, accompagné en général d'un réfutation (\textit{Confutatio})}

    description={La fin du discours judiciaire, qui le résume et en accentue le \textit{pathos}, par l'appel à la colère ou la pitié}



\makeindex[name=piece,intoc,title={Index des \oe uvres},columns=2]

\title{This is the title of my book} 
\renewcommand{\plainsubtitle}{This is the subtitle of my book: music}
\publisher{Various \'{e}ditions}  




% v.4 copyright page
    Copyright \the\year\ Me
    \smallcaps{\'{E}dité par \thanklesspublisher}
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ``License''); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at \url{http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0}. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an \smallcaps{``AS IS'' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND}, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
    \textit{Premi\`{e}re \'{e}dition, \monthyear}

% r.7 dedication
    %\begin{doublespace} % not needed, use \fontsize
    \noindent\fontsize{13}{22}\selectfont\itshape %space the baselines to 22pt
        Text of dedication
        11. \kant[11]

% r.5 Remerciements et Préface  
11. \kant[11-15]


12. \kant[12-16]

% r.9 introduction

The introduction remains to be written.

15. \kant[15-20]

% Start the main matter (normal chapters)

\part{First Part of the book}

    \newthought{This is the} paragraph dedicated to the preamble of the presentation of the part of this book.
    21. \kant[21]

\chapter{The Seven Toccatas}

\newthought{The Toccatas for} Keyboard, BWV 910–916, are seven pieces for clavier written by Johann Sebastian Bach. Although the pieces were not originally organized into a collection by Bach himself (as were most of his other keyboard works, such as the Well Tempered Clavier and the English Suites etc.), the pieces share many similarities, and are frequently grouped and performed together under a collective title. \footnote{From Wikipedia:  Toccatas fo Keyboard(Bach))}

    \item Toccata in F-sharp minor \index{Toccata in F-sharp minor, BWV 910}
    \item Toccata in C-minor \index{Toccata in C-minor, BWV 911}
    \item Toccata in D-major \index{Toccata in D-major, BWV 912}
    \item Toccata in D-minor \index{Toccata in D-minor, BWV 913}
    \item Toccata in E-minor \index{Toccata in E-minor, BWV 914}
    \item Toccata in G-minor \index{Toccata in G-minor, BWV 915}
    \item Toccata in G-major \index{Toccata in G-major, BWV 916}

\chapter{The other keyboard works}

\section{Des \oe uvres}

In this example, several keywords\index[piece]{keywords2} will be used which are important and deserve to appear in the Index\index[piece]{Index2}.

Chorale No. 3 in A minor \index{Chorale No. 3 in A minor}

Symphony No. 3 "Organ" -- Finale \index{Symphony No. 3 "Organ" -- Finale}

Symphony for Organ No. 5 in F Major -- Toccata \index{Symphony for Organ No. 5 in F Major -- Toccata}

La Nativité du Seigneur \index{La Nativité du Seigneur}

Crown Imperial March \index{Crown Imperial March (arranged for organ by Herbert Murrill)}

\index{Concerto for Organ, Timpani and Strings in G minor}

\index{Land of Hope and Glory Pomp and Circumstance Military March No. 1}

Organ Symphony No. 1 in D minor, Op. 14, VI. \index{Organ Symphony No. 1 in D minor, Op. 14, VI.}

\index{Organ Concerto HWV 306 - Op. 7 No. 1 in B flat major}

Fugue in G minor BWV 578 \index[piece]{Fugue in G minor BWV 578}

\index[piece]{Edvard Grieg – Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 Op. 46: Morning Mood}

\index[piece]{Ludwig van Beethoven – Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67, "Fate": I. Allegro Con Brio }

The Four Seasons, Op. 8 \index[piece]{Antonio Vivaldi – The Four Seasons, Op. 8, "Spring": Allegro}

\index[piece]{Samuel Barber – Adagio for Strings}

The Valkyrie: Ride of the Valkyries \index[piece]{Richard Wagner – The Valkyrie: Ride of the Valkyries }

Nocturne No. 2 in E-Flat major, Op. 9 \index[piece]{Frédéric Chopin – Nocturne No. 2 in E-Flat major, Op. 9 }

\index[piece]{Johann Pachelbel – Canon in D major }

\index[piece]{Carl Orff – Carmina Burana: O Fortuna }

\index[piece]{Johann Sebastian Bach – Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major, BWV 1068: Air }

\index[piece]{Gustav Holst – The Planets, Op. 32: Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity }

\index[piece]{Claude Debussy – Suite bergamasque, L 75: Clair de Lune }

\index[piece]{Giuseppe Verdi – Nabucco: Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves (Va', Pensiero, Sull'ali Dorate) }

\index[piece]{Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major, K. 467: II. Andante }

Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major \index[piece]{Johann Sebastian Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major, BWV 1048: Allegro }

Thaïs: Meditation \index[piece]{Jules Massenet – Thaïs: Meditation }

\index[piece]{Antonín Dvořák – Symphony No. 9 in E minor, Op. 95, "From the New World": II. Largo }

\index[piece]{Johann Strauss II – On the Beautiful Blue Danube, Op. 314 }

\index[piece]{Johannes Brahms – Hungarian Dance No. 5 in G minor }

\index[piece]{Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky – Swan Lake Suite, Op. 20: Scene }

\index[piece]{Erik Satie – Gymnopédie No. 1 } 

\index[piece]{Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Requiem, K. 626: Lacrimosa Dies Illa }

\index[piece]{Ludwig van Beethoven – Bagatelle in A minor, Wo Op. 59, "Für Elise" }

\index[piece]{Edward Elgar – Pomp and Circumstance, Op. 39: Land of Hope and Glory }

\index[piece]{Georges Bizet – Carmen Suite No. 2: Habanera }

\index[piece]{Ludwig van Beethoven – Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, "Choral": Ode an Die Freude }

\index[piece]{Jacques Offenbach – The Tales of Hoffmann: Barcarolle }

\index[piece]{Remo Giazotto – Adagio in G minor for Strings and Organ (after T. Albinoni) }

\index[piece]{Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Serenade No. 13 in G major, K. 525, "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik": I. Allegro }

\index[piece]{Gioachino Rossini – The Barber of Seville: Overture }

\index[piece]{Ludwig van Beethoven – Piano Sonata No. 14 in C-sharp minor, Op. 27:2, "Moonlight Sonata": Adagio Sostenuto }

\index[piece]{Bedřich Smetana – Má Vlast (My Fatherland): Vltava (The Moldau River) }

\index[piece]{Luigi Boccherini – String Quintet in E major, Op. 13: Minuet }

\index[piece]{Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550: I. Allegro Molto }

\index[piece]{Antonín Dvořák – Slavonic Dance No. 2, Op. 72 }

\index[piece]{Charles Gounod – Ave Maria (after J.S. Bach) }

\index[piece]{Jean Sibelius – Finlandia, Op. 26 }

\index[piece]{Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Piano Sonata No. 11 in A major, K. 331: Rondo: Alla Turca }

\index[piece]{Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – The Magic Flute, K. 620: Overture }

\index[piece]{George Frideric Handel – The Messiah, HWV 56: Hallelujah Chorus }

\index[piece]{Edvard Grieg – Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46: In the Hall of the Mountain King }

\index[piece]{Gabriel Fauré – Pavane }

\index[piece]{Johann Sebastian Bach – Double Concerto in D minor for Two Violins, BWV 1043: Vivace }

\index[piece]{Georges Bizet – L'Arlésienne Suite No. 1: Prelude }

\index[piece]{Johann Strauss I – Radetzky March, Op. 228 }

\index[piece]{Ludwig van Beethoven – Egmont, Op. 84: Overture }

\index[piece]{Stanley Myers – Cavatina }

\index[piece]{Arcangelo Corelli – Concerto G rosso No. 8 in G minor, Op. 6: "Christmas Concerto": Allegro }

\index[piece]{Sergei Rachmaninoff – Vocalise, Op. 34 }

\index[piece]{Giuseppe Verdi – Messa Da Requiem: Dies Irae – Tuba Mirum }

\index[piece]{Gustav Mahler – Symphony No. 5: Adagietto }


\part{This is the second part of the book}

\chapter{II First chapter of the second part}

\section{Section not named}
11. \kant[11]

\chapter{II This is the second chapter}

\newthought{The continuation of} the book is still to be written...

15. \kant[15-25]

\part{This is the third part of the book}

\chapter{III First chapter}
1. \kant[1-5]
\section{Section to be found}
2. \kant[2-9]
\chapter{III Second chapter}
3. \kant[3-10]

\chapter[III Coda]{III Coda \musHalf \, \musQuarter \, \musEighth\,  \musSixteenth}

9. \kant[9]

See \citealp{bertram}. See \parencite{bertram}.

Plus \autocite{companion,ctan,markey,aristotle:poetics,aristotle:rhetoric}.

Also \citep{doody} and \cite{maron} and \citet{maron}

Standard biblatex command names: not use natbib=true

    \item \textcite{kowalik}  OK
    \item \parencite{vangennep} OK
    \item \citet{nussbaum} NO
    \item \cite{ moraux} ) OK
    \item  \autocite{companion} OK

Written in English  using textcite: \textcite{kowalik}

Écrit en français en utilisant textcite: \textcite{kowalik}

19. \kant[19-29]

\emph{\Huge want a Full page environment from here.}



