





%i have used few packages 

\usepackage[margin= 1cm]{geometry}

%document begins here     

%section heading 
\section{Questions on Basic integration}

%question with bold and box 
subsection begins here, the word question should be in bold
\subsection*{Question 1} Solve the following integral. $$\int \sec x(\sec x+\tan x) d x $$ 

%solution word in bold
this is a quick tip, to be highlighted
\int \sec ^{2} x d x=\tan x \\
\int \sec x \tan x=\sec x

%the solution   
\int \sec x(&\sec x+\tan x) d x \\
&=\int\left(\sec ^{2} x+\sec x \tan x\right) d x \\
&=\int \sec ^{2} x d x+\int \sec x \tan x d x \\
&=\tan x+\sec x+C

%second question

%question 2 begins here 
\subsection*{Question 2} Solve the following integral. $$\int \frac{1}{x+x\log x} dx$$ 

%solution in bold
\text { Put } 1+x \log x=t \\
\text { then, } \frac{1}{x}\; d x=d t
 % solution begins
\int \frac{1}{x+x \log x} d x \\
\text { Simce, } \frac{1}{x} d x=d t \text { and }(1+\log x)=t \\
=\int \frac{d t}{t} \\
=\log (t)+C \\
=\int \log (1+\log x)+C
}$ \end{center}


像这样?请注意,虽然我提供了名为 的宏的代码\tip,但我没有定义单独的问题和答案环境,因为我认为这样做不会解决混乱问题。(实际上,这些环境可能会加剧混乱问题。)我只能建议您更熟悉该amsmath包的多行数学环境。



\newcommand\tip[1]{\smash{\boxed{\color{blue}\array{r} #1 \endarray}}}

\section{Questions on basic integration}

\subsection*{Question 1} Solve the following integral.
\quad$\displaystyle \int \sec x(\sec x+\tan x)\, dx $

&\int \sec x(\sec x+\tan x)\, dx 
   \hspace{3cm} \tip{ \int \sec ^{2} x\, dx=\tan x \\[1ex]
                      \int \sec x \tan x \,dx=\sec x} \\
&\quad=\int\bigl(\sec ^{2} x+\sec x \tan x\bigr)\, dx \\
&\quad=\int \sec ^{2} x\, dx+\int \sec x \tan x\, dx \\
&\quad=\tan x+\sec x+C

\subsection*{Question 2} Solve the following integral. 
\quad$\displaystyle\int \frac{1}{x+x\log x}\,dx$

&\int \frac{1}{x+x \log x}\, dx \\
&\quad= \int \frac{1}{x(1+\log x)}\, dx 
  \hspace{3cm}\tip{\text{\textbf{Tip:} Put } 1+\log x = t \\[1ex]
                   \text{then } \frac{1}{x}\, dx = dt} \\
&\quad=\int \frac{dt}{t} \\
&\quad=\log (t)+C \\
&\quad=\int \log (1+\log x)+C


附录回答 OP 的后续问题之一。可以定义一个\question 如下(序言部分):

   \subsection*{Question #1} 
   Solve the following integral.\quad$\displaystyle #2$ 

然后\question{1}{\int \sec x(\sec x+\tan x)\, dx}在文档正文中写入。



      innerleftmargin=5,% Distance from content to frame.  To align the content with
      innerrightmargin=5,% the surrouding text, the sum of leftmargin and innerleftmargin must be zero.
      linecolor=white,% The frame consists of inner-, middle-, and outerline.  linecolor changes all three.
   \mdtheorem[backgroundcolor=PineGreen!15!white]{tip}{Tip}%[section] % Uncomment if you want to include section number.
   \mdtheorem{quest}{Question}%[section] % Uncomment if you want to include section number.
   \mdtheorem{sol}{Solution}%[section] % Uncomment if you want to include section number.
\newcommand{\dd}[0]{\,\mathrm{d}} % puts a thin space and an upright 'd'.

\section{Questions on Basic integration}
      Solve the following integral:
         \int \sec x(\sec x+\tan x) \dd x.
            \int \sec^{2} x \dd x    &= \tan x + C\\
            \int \sec x \tan x \dd x &= \sec x + C
         \int \frac{1}{x+x \log x} \dd x  &= \int\frac{1}{x(1+\log(x))} \dd x\\
         &= \int \frac{\dd t}{t} \\
         &= \log (t)+C \\
         &= \log (1+\log x)+C


编辑:正如您在评论中要求的“问题 1”后没有换行符,这里是一个更新版本。

   innerleftmargin=5,% Distance from content to frame.  To align the content with
   innerrightmargin=5,% the surrouding text, the sum of leftmargin and innerleftmargin must be zero.
   linecolor=white,% The frame consists of inner-, middle-, and outerline.  linecolor changes all three.

\newtheorem{quest}{Question}   % for numbered questions
\newtheorem*{quest*}{Question} % for unnumbered questions
\newtheorem{tip}{Tip}          % for numbered tips
\newtheorem*{tip*}{Tip}        % for unnumbered tips
\surroundwithmdframed[backgroundcolor=PineGreen!15!white]{tip}  % get the shiny box around (numbered) tips.
\surroundwithmdframed[backgroundcolor=PineGreen!15!white]{tip*} % get the shiny box around (unnumbered) tips.
\newtheorem{sol}{Solution}     % for numbered solutions
\newtheorem*{sol*}{Solution}   % for unnumbered solutions

\newcommand{\dd}[0]{\,\mathrm{d}} % puts a thin space and an upright 'd'.

   \section{Questions on Basic integration}
      Solve the following integral:
         \int \sec x(\sec x+\tan x) \dd x.
      ~ % For some reason the tip-environment covers the word 'solution' when there is nothing between them.
      \begin{tip*} Here can be some text.
            \int \sec^{2} x \dd x    &= \tan x + C\\
            \int \sec x \tan x \dd x &= \sec x + C
         \int \frac{1}{x+x \log x} \dd x  &= \int\frac{1}{x(1+\log(x))} \dd x\\
         &= \int \frac{\dd t}{t} \\
         &= \log (t)+C \\
         &= \log (1+\log x)+C
