





($ (TopLeft.east) !.5! (TopRight.west) $) -- (Below.north);



    \node[rectangle, rounded corners, below left = .5cm and -.5cm of TopRight] (BL) {My below \\ node};

我花了很多时间尝试(并且经常失败)让的北点恰好位于和Below之间线的中点下方。如您所见,我一直在尝试用和测量值来解决这个问题。每次我调整上面框中的文本时,这些值都会变得不正确,因为它会改变框的相对位置。因此,我将箭头的起点正确地放置在水平线的中点上,将箭头正确地连接到下面节点的北点,但我无法使后一个节点相对于其上方水平连接线的中点的位置正确。TopLeftTopRightbelow leftbelow right

基本上,north应该与连接其上方两个节点的线的中点位于相同的 y 坐标上。

我使用的是特殊文档类,但这应该适用于任何通用的 Latex 类。下面的框看起来很奇怪,因为我的实际节点文本在每种情况下都长得多。

        head=2.5cm, bmargin=2cm]{geometry}      %get the page layout right
%\usepackage[none]{hyphenat}                        %turn off hypenation globally
\usepackage{microtype}                              %better typesetting, affects justification and punctuation
\usepackage{url}                                    % typeset URL's reasonably
\usepackage[round]{natbib}                          % default bracket type is round
\usepackage{booktabs}                               %typeset tables better
\usepackage{multirow}                               %allow merge look across table rows
%\usepackage{placeins}                              %fix table floats!
\RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag}
\usepackage[table]{xcolor}                                 % must be imported BEFORE tikz
\usepackage{tikz}                                   %write flowcharts etc
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, shapes, chains, fit, backgrounds, calc, decorations.pathreplacing, matrix, calligraphy, positioning}
\usepackage{cleveref}                             %sensible cross-referencing *****MUST BE PLACED AFTER HYPERREF PACKAGE IF THAT PACKAGE IS USED*****
\usepackage[inline, shortlabels]{enumitem} 
%\usepackage{spreadtab} % can't get this to work


\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style=draw, align=center, arrow/.style={thick, -stealth}, font=\footnotesize]
\node[rectangle, rounded corners] (SAS) {BOX 1 has quite a bit of text \\ across 2 rows};

\node[rectangle, rounded corners, above left = .5cm and .1cm of SAS] (PD) {Box 2 has less text than Box 1};
\node[rectangle, rounded corners, above right = .5cm and .1cm of SAS] (TAS) {Box 3 has similar length to 2};

\node[rectangle, rounded corners, right = .8cm of SAS] (SLS) {Box 4 has this length};
\node[rectangle, rounded corners, below left = .5cm and -.5cm of SLS] (SLC) {Box 5 smaller than box 1 \\ and is 2 rows};
\node[rectangle, rounded corners, below = .7cm of SLC] (SWA) {Box 6 is back to 1 row};

\node[rectangle, rounded corners, below = .7cm of SWA] (HHS) {Box 7 has about the same amount \\ of text as box 1};
\node[rectangle, rounded corners, below = .7cm of HHS] (SPH) {Box 8 just 1 row};

\node[rectangle, rounded corners, right = .8 of SPH] (SRI) {Box 9 is in \\ two rows again}; 
\node[rectangle, rounded corners, below right = .7cm and -1.6cm of SPH] (CIS) {Box 10 is one row};  

 \node[rectangle, rounded corners, right = .8cm of CIS] (EI) {Box 11 has two \\ rows}; 
\draw[solid] (PD.east) -- (TAS.west);
\draw[arrow] ($ (PD.east) !.5! (TAS.west) $) -- (SAS.north);
\draw[solid] (SAS.east) -- (SLS.west);
\draw[arrow] ($ (SAS.east) !.5! (SLS.west) $) -- (SLC.north);
\draw[arrow] (SLC.south) -- (SWA.north);
\draw[arrow] (SWA.south) -- (HHS.north);
\draw[arrow] (HHS.south) -- (SPH.north);
\draw[solid] (SPH.east) -- (SRI.west);
\draw[arrow] ($ (SPH.east) !.5! (SRI.west) $) -- (CIS.north);
\draw[solid] (CIS.east) -- (EI.west);

\caption{Process used to construct data.}





every node/.style = {draw, rounded corners,
                     font=\footnotesize, align=center},
     arrow/.style = {thick, -Stealth},
\node (SAS) {BOX 1 has quite a bit of text \\ across 2 rows};
\node (PD)  [above  left = 5mm and 1mm of SAS]  {Box 2 has less text than Box 1};
\node (TAS) [above right = 5mm and 1mm of SAS]  {Box 3 has similar length to 2};
\node (SLS) [right = 8mm of SAS]    {Box 4 has this length};
\node (SLC) [below = 5mm of $(SAS.south east)!0.5!(SLS.south west)$]
                                    {Box 5 smaller than box 1 \\ and is 2 rows};
\node (SWA) [below = 7mm of SLC]    {Box 6 is back to 1 row};

\node (HHS) [below = 7mm of SWA]    {Box 7 has about the same amount \\ of text as box 1};
\node (SPH) [below = 7mm of HHS]    {Box 8 just 1 row};

\node (SRI) [right = 8mm of SPH]     {Box 9 is in \\ two rows again};
\node (CIS) [below = 7mm of $(SPH.south east)!0.5!(SRI.south west)$]   {Box 10 is one row};

\node (EI)  [right = 8mm of CIS]    {Box 11 has two \\ rows};

\draw[solid] (PD.east) -- (TAS.west);
\draw[arrow] ($ (PD.east) !.5! (TAS.west) $) -- (SAS.north);
\draw[solid] (SAS.east) -- (SLS.west);
\draw[arrow] ($ (SAS.east) !.5! (SLS.west) $) -- (SLC.north);
\draw[arrow] (SLC.south) -- (SWA.north);
\draw[arrow] (SWA.south) -- (HHS.north);
\draw[arrow] (HHS.south) -- (SPH.north);
\draw[solid] (SPH.east) -- (SRI.west);
\draw[arrow] ($ (SPH.east) !.5! (SRI.west) $) -- (CIS.north);
\draw[solid] (CIS.east) -- (EI.west);
\caption{Process used to construct data.}




在哪里就业 TiZ 库chains和他的宏join=by ...

                calc, chains,

   arr/.style = {semithick, -Stealth},
node distance = 7mm and 8mm,
     N/.style = {draw, rounded corners, text width=#1,
                 font=\footnotesize, align=center}, 
  N/.default = 12em,
 start chain
    \begin{scope}[nodes={N, on chain=going below, join=by arr}]
\node (SAS) {BOX 1 has quite a bit of text \\ across 2 rows};
\node (SLC) {Box 5 smaller than box 1 \\ and is 2 rows};
\node (SWA) {Box 6 is back to 1 row};
\node (HHS) {Box 7 has about the same amount \\ of text as box 1};
\node (SPH) {Box 8 just 1 row};
\node (CIS) {Box 10 is one row};
\node (PD)  [N,above  left=of SAS.north]  {Box 2 has less text than Box 1};
\node (TAS) [N,above right=of SAS.north]  {Box 3 has similar length to 2};
    \draw[arr]  (PD)  -| ([xshift=-1em] SAS.north);
    \draw[arr]  (TAS) -| ([xshift=+1em] SAS.north);
\node (SLS) [N=8em, right=of SAS]    {Box 4 has this length};
    \draw[arr]  (SLS.south) -- ++ (0,-4mm) -|  ([xshift=+1em] SLC.north) ;
\node (SRI) [N=8em, right=of SPH]     {Box 9 is in \\ two rows again};
    \draw[arr]  (SRI.south) -- ++ (0,-2mm) -|  ([xshift=+1em] CIS.north) ;
\node (EI)  [N=8em,right = 8mm of CIS]    {Box 11 has two \\ rows};

\draw[arr] (CIS) -- (EI);
\caption{Process used to construct data.}



\usetikzlibrary{calc, positioning}


  \node[draw] (n1) at (-5,0) {Node 1};
  \node[draw] (n2) at (5,0) {Node 2};

  \node[draw, below = 1cm of {$(n1) !.5! (n2)$}] {Node 3};


