我正在尝试缩放我的 TikZ 图片,以便它能适合文档的第一页。我已经尝试在[scale=.8]
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.multipart,shapes, shapes.geometric}
\section*{Modeling the database}
Use the provided SQL script ($movie_rentals.sql$) to create the movie rentals database, and then:\\[2ex]
1. Inspect the database and describe its tables using the following notation:
table1(column1, column2, column3, ...)
column2 : FK(table2)
\begin{mdframed}[backgroundcolor=mygray!12,rightline=false,leftline=false, bottomline=false, topline=false]
movie(\underline{movie\_id}, title, release\_year,length,rating,category)\\[2ex]
actor(\underline{actor\_id},first\_name, last\_name)\\[2ex]
movie\_actor(\underline{movie\_id}, \underline{actor\_id})\\
\indent \indent movie\_id: FK(movie)\\
\indent \indent actor\_id: FK(actor)\\[2ex]
customer(\underline{customer\_id}, first\_name, last\_name, adress, postal\_code, district, city, country)\\[2ex]
rental(\underline{rental\_id}, customer\_id, movie\_id, rental\_date, amount)\\
\indent \indent customer\_id: FK(customer)\\
\indent \indent movie\_id: FK(movie)\\
2. Draw an E-R diagram for the database, by reverse engineering from the existing tables.
\begin{mdframed}[backgroundcolor=mygray!12,rightline=false,leftline=false, bottomline=false, topline=false]
roundnode/.style={circle, draw=myblue, fill=myblue!50, very thick, minimum size=7mm},
terminator/.style={ellipse, draw=myred, very thick, minimum size=7mm},
squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=myred, , very thick, minimum size=5mm},
decision/.style={diamond, draw=myblue , very thick, minimum size=5mm},
square/.style={regular polygon,regular polygon sides=4},
\node at ( 1,0) [squarednode] (movie) {movie};
\node at ( 3,1) [terminator] (movieid) {\underline{movie\_id}};
\node at ( 1.3,1.7) [terminator] (title) {title};
\node at ( 0.2,3) [terminator] (releaseyear) {release\_year};
\node at ( -1.7,2) [terminator] (length) {length};
\node at ( -1.7,0.8) [terminator] (rating) {rating};
\node at ( -1.7,-0.3) [terminator] (category) {category};
\node at ( 1,-4) [squarednode] (rental) {rental};
\node at ( 2.5,-5.3) [terminator] (rentalid) {\underline{rental\_id}};
\node at ( -0.2,-4.8) [terminator] (rentaldate) {rental\_date};
\node at ( -1,-3.6) [terminator] (amount) {amount};
\node at ( 8,-4) [squarednode] (customer) {customer};
\node at ( 10,-3.4) [terminator] (city) {city};
\node at ( 7,-2.7) [terminator] (customerid) {\underline{customer\_id}};
\node at ( 6.3,-5) [terminator] (firstname) {first\_name};
\node at ( 8,-6) [terminator] (lastname) {last\_name};
\node at ( 10.2,-6.1) [terminator] (adress) {adress};
\node at ( 10.9,-5.2) [terminator] (postalcode) {postal\_code};
\node at ( 11.2,-4.2) [terminator] (country) {country};
\node at ( 9.5,-2.5) [terminator] (district) {district};
\node at ( 8,0) [squarednode] (actor) {actor};
\node at ( 8,1.4) [terminator] (actorid) {\underline{actor\_id}};
\node at ( 9.86,0.7) [terminator] (firstnamea) {first\_name};
\node at ( 9.9,-0.8) [terminator] (lastnamea) {last\_name};
\node at ( 5,0) [decision] (movieactor) {movie\_actor};
\node at ( 1,-2) [decision] (rented) {rented};
\node at ( 4,-4) [decision] (rents) {rents};
\draw [black!75, thick] (movieid) -- (movie);
\draw [black!75, thick] (title) -- (movie);
\draw [black!75, thick] (releaseyear) -- (movie);
\draw [black!75, thick] (length) -- (movie);
\draw [black!75, thick] (rating) -- (movie);
\draw [black!75, thick] (category) -- (movie);
\draw [black!75, thick] (rental) -- (rentalid);
\draw [black!75, thick] (rental) -- (rentaldate);
\draw [black!75, thick] (rental) -- (amount);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (city);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (customerid);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (firstname);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (lastname);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (adress);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (postalcode);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (country);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (district);
\draw [black!75, thick] (actor) -- (actorid);
\draw [black!75, thick] (actor) -- (firstnamea);
\draw [black!75, thick] (actor) -- (lastnamea);
\draw[double, black!75, ultra thick] (movie) -- (movieactor);
\draw [ black!75, ultra thick] (movieactor) -- (actor);
\draw [<-, black!75, ultra thick] (movie) -- (rented);
\draw [ black!75, ultra thick] (rented) -- (rental);
\draw [ black!75, ultra thick] (rental) -- (rents);
\draw [->, black!75, ultra thick] (rents) -- (customer);
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.multipart,shapes, shapes.geometric}
\section*{Modeling the database}
Use the provided SQL script ($movie_rentals.sql$) to create the movie rentals database, and then:\\[2ex]
1. Inspect the database and describe its tables using the following notation:
table1(column1, column2, column3, ...)
column2 : FK(table2)
\adjustbox{varwidth=\linewidth, scale=0.8}{%
\begin{mdframed}[backgroundcolor=mygray!12,rightline=false,leftline=false, bottomline=false, topline=false]
movie(\underline{movie\_id}, title, release\_year,length,rating,category)\\[2ex]
actor(\underline{actor\_id},first\_name, last\_name)\\[2ex]
movie\_actor(\underline{movie\_id}, \underline{actor\_id})\\
\indent \indent movie\_id: FK(movie)\\
\indent \indent actor\_id: FK(actor)\\[2ex]
customer(\underline{customer\_id}, first\_name, last\_name, adress, postal\_code, district, city, country)\\[2ex]
rental(\underline{rental\_id}, customer\_id, movie\_id, rental\_date, amount)\\
\indent \indent customer\_id: FK(customer)\\
\indent \indent movie\_id: FK(movie)\\
2. Draw an E-R diagram for the database, by reverse engineering from the existing tables.
\adjustbox{varwidth=\linewidth, scale=0.8}{%
\begin{mdframed}[backgroundcolor=mygray!12,rightline=false,leftline=false, bottomline=false, topline=false]
roundnode/.style={circle, draw=myblue, fill=myblue!50, very thick, minimum size=7mm},
terminator/.style={ellipse, draw=myred, very thick, minimum size=7mm},
squarednode/.style={rectangle, draw=myred, , very thick, minimum size=5mm},
decision/.style={diamond, draw=myblue , very thick, minimum size=5mm},
square/.style={regular polygon,regular polygon sides=4},
\node at ( 1,0) [squarednode] (movie) {movie};
\node at ( 3,1) [terminator] (movieid) {\underline{movie\_id}};
\node at ( 1.3,1.7) [terminator] (title) {title};
\node at ( 0.2,3) [terminator] (releaseyear) {release\_year};
\node at ( -1.7,2) [terminator] (length) {length};
\node at ( -1.7,0.8) [terminator] (rating) {rating};
\node at ( -1.7,-0.3) [terminator] (category) {category};
\node at ( 1,-4) [squarednode] (rental) {rental};
\node at ( 2.5,-5.3) [terminator] (rentalid) {\underline{rental\_id}};
\node at ( -0.2,-4.8) [terminator] (rentaldate) {rental\_date};
\node at ( -1,-3.6) [terminator] (amount) {amount};
\node at ( 8,-4) [squarednode] (customer) {customer};
\node at ( 10,-3.4) [terminator] (city) {city};
\node at ( 7,-2.7) [terminator] (customerid) {\underline{customer\_id}};
\node at ( 6.3,-5) [terminator] (firstname) {first\_name};
\node at ( 8,-6) [terminator] (lastname) {last\_name};
\node at ( 10.2,-6.1) [terminator] (adress) {adress};
\node at ( 10.9,-5.2) [terminator] (postalcode) {postal\_code};
\node at ( 11.2,-4.2) [terminator] (country) {country};
\node at ( 9.5,-2.5) [terminator] (district) {district};
\node at ( 8,0) [squarednode] (actor) {actor};
\node at ( 8,1.4) [terminator] (actorid) {\underline{actor\_id}};
\node at ( 9.86,0.7) [terminator] (firstnamea) {first\_name};
\node at ( 9.9,-0.8) [terminator] (lastnamea) {last\_name};
\node at ( 5,0) [decision] (movieactor) {movie\_actor};
\node at ( 1,-2) [decision] (rented) {rented};
\node at ( 4,-4) [decision] (rents) {rents};
\draw [black!75, thick] (movieid) -- (movie);
\draw [black!75, thick] (title) -- (movie);
\draw [black!75, thick] (releaseyear) -- (movie);
\draw [black!75, thick] (length) -- (movie);
\draw [black!75, thick] (rating) -- (movie);
\draw [black!75, thick] (category) -- (movie);
\draw [black!75, thick] (rental) -- (rentalid);
\draw [black!75, thick] (rental) -- (rentaldate);
\draw [black!75, thick] (rental) -- (amount);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (city);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (customerid);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (firstname);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (lastname);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (adress);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (postalcode);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (country);
\draw [black!75, thick] (customer) -- (district);
\draw [black!75, thick] (actor) -- (actorid);
\draw [black!75, thick] (actor) -- (firstnamea);
\draw [black!75, thick] (actor) -- (lastnamea);
\draw[double, black!75, ultra thick] (movie) -- (movieactor);
\draw [ black!75, ultra thick] (movieactor) -- (actor);
\draw [<-, black!75, ultra thick] (movie) -- (rented);
\draw [ black!75, ultra thick] (rented) -- (rental);
\draw [ black!75, ultra thick] (rental) -- (rents);
\draw [->, black!75, ultra thick] (rents) -- (customer);
两个框架的系数均为 0.8,因此可以将其全部放在一页上。
\adjustbox{varwidth=\linewidth, scale=0.8}{...}