我正在尝试使用 tikz 和 arc 命令创建一个椭圆(分割)。
半长轴 a = 5 半短轴 b = 3
各点的坐标:O(0,0); A(4.797,0.846); B(0.526,2.983); C(-0.526,2.983); D(-4.797,0.846); E(-4.797,0.846); F(-0.526,-2.983); G(0.526,-2.983); H(4.797,-0.846);
OA 与 x 轴形成的角为 10 度 OB 与 x 轴形成的角为 80 度 OC 与 x 轴形成的角为 100 度 OD 与 x 轴形成的角为 170 度 OE 与 x 轴形成的角为 190 度 OF 与 x 轴形成的角为 260 度 OG 与 x 轴形成的角为 280 度 OH 与 x 轴形成的角为 350 度
\draw (4.797,0.846) arc(10:80:5cm 和 3 cm); \draw (-0.526,2.983) arc(100:170:5cm 和 3 cm); \end{tikzpicture}
\draw (0,-8) -- (0,8);
\draw[] (-8,0)-- +(15,0) edge[thick] (8,0);
% original ellipse
\draw[thick] (4.797,0.846) arc(10:80:5cm and 3 cm);
\node[xshift=5pt,yshift=-10](a) at (4.79,0.85) {A};
\node[yshift=5pt,xshift=-10pt](b) at (0.75,3.28) {B};
\draw[] (0,0)-- +(4.79,0.85) edge[thick] (8,1.45); % A line
\draw[] (0,0)-- +(0.75,3.28) edge[thick] (1,4.5); % B line
\draw[<->,>=stealth] (8,0) arc(0:28:2cm and 3 cm) node[midway,xshift=10pt]{10°};
\draw[<->,>=stealth] (7,0) arc(0:80:7.25cm and 4.5 cm) node[midway,yshift=10pt]{80°};
% mirror ellipse
\draw[thick] (4.797,0.846) arc(10:80:5cm and 3 cm);
\node[xshift=-5pt](a) at (4.79,0.85) {D};
\node[yshift=5pt](b) at (0.75,3.28) {C};
\draw[] (4.79,0.85) -- (0,0);
\draw[] (0.75,3.28) -- (0,0);
% mirror ellipse
\draw[thick] (4.797,0.846) arc(10:80:5cm and 3 cm);
\node[xshift=-5pt](a) at (4.79,0.85) {E};
\node[yshift=-5pt](b) at (0.75,3.28) {F};
\draw[] (4.79,0.85) -- (0,0);
\draw[] (0.75,3.28) -- (0,0);
% mirror ellipse
\draw[thick] (4.797,0.846) arc(10:80:5cm and 3 cm);
\node[xshift=5pt](a) at (4.79,0.85) {G};
\node[yshift=-5pt](b) at (0.75,3.28) {H};
\draw[] (4.79,0.85) -- (0,0);
\draw[] (0.75,3.28) -- (0,0);
\node[xshift=7pt,yshift=-7pt](o) at (0,0) {O};
% original ellipse
\draw[line width=1.5pt] (10:5 and 3) arc(10:80:5cm and 3 cm);
% mirror ellipse
\draw[line width=1.5pt] (10:5 and 3) arc(10:80:5cm and 3 cm);
% mirror ellipse
\draw[line width=1.5pt] (10:5 and 3) arc(10:80:5cm and 3 cm);
% mirror ellipse
\draw[line width=1.5pt] (10:5 and 3) arc(10:80:5cm and 3 cm);