全新安装 Windows 后无法使用 XeLatex 生成 PDF

全新安装 Windows 后无法使用 XeLatex 生成 PDF

一周前一切都运行正常,我使用以下 MWE 在 XeLatex 中编译了我的 MCQ 的 PDF。安装新版 Windows 后,我无法生成 PDF。下面给出了使用此 MWE 加载的必要文件,名为选项

\usepackage{mathpazo} % I like it.
\englishinfo %% this if you want English sentences.
\setdefaultlanguage{english} %% it needs to be *after* mcq.

\headline{\textbf{\large MCQs HYPOTHESIS TESTING}}
%% this is the "name" of the exam
%  http://www.math.ucla.edu/~tao/java/MultipleChoice/logic.txt
%  http://www.math.ucla.edu/~tao/java/MultipleChoice/MultipleChoice.html

\puntigiusta{6} % points for a correct answer
\puntisbagliata{-1} % points for a wrong answer (when not explicitely stated)
\puntiempty{0} % points for non-response.

% The following is necessary only if bubblesheet...
% \UIDdigits{5}
% change it if the default value (6) does not fit.

% This is the text appearing on the right of the UID matrix.
% It is safe to change it (but it should be not too long...)
%Instructions: fill \textbf{completely} the bubbles
%with the digits of the SID (one for each column);
%in the lower part of the sheet, fill \textbf{completely}
%the bubble with the correct answers to the corresponding question.
%Use a black or dark blue pen or pencil,
%trying to fill completely the inside of the bubble.
%Write only in the designated areas.
%\renewcommand{\ansinfo}{\textbf{Mark the answers of the multiple-choice questions}}
%\renewcommand{\uidname}{Student ID}
%\renewcommand{\Cognomename}{Last Name}
%\renewcommand{\Nomename}{First name}

% the previous commands are equivalent to the command
% \englishinfo

% It is safe to renew \squarebox: empty for no-squarebox,
% or whatever Unicode character or symbol. It is the symbol appearing
% on the left of each possible item-answer. Check that the characters
% is included in the font...
% \renewcommand{\squarebox}{--}

% If changing the font, make sure that it's not too ugly.
% \setmainfont[mapping=tex-text]{Linux Libertine}
% just some newcommands
% [number of columns] {number of questions} {number of answers}

% enviroment including the questions.
% The second argument is the tile of the exercises section.

\begin{exerm}%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MCQ#001  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    The idea of testing of hypothesis was first set forth by
\begin{rispm}[4] % the optional parameters is the number of columns
\risp R. A. Fisher
\risp[=] J. Neyman
\risp E. L. Lehman
\risp A. Wald

\begin{exerm}%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MCQ#002  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    In 1933, the theory of testing of hypotheses was propounded by
\begin{rispm}[2] % the optional parameters is the number of columns
\risp R. A. Fisher
\risp J. Neyman
\risp E. L. Lehman
\risp[=] Karl Pearson



我正在使用 Winedt 和较新版本的 Miktex。
