我想让活动部分保持突出显示,同时浏览其子部分。请考虑以下 MWE
\title{Title of the Presentation}
\author{Author Author}
% theme
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]
\section{section 1}
\subsection{subsection 1.1}
\begin{frame}{frame 1.1.1}
this is a frame.
\begin{frame}{frame 1.1.2}
this is a frame.
\subsection{subsection 1.2}
\begin{frame}{frame 1.2.1}
this is a frame.
\begin{frame}{frame 1.2.2}
this is a frame.
\section{section 2}
\subsection{subsection 2.1}
\begin{frame}{frame 2.1.1}
this is a frame.
\begin{frame}{frame 2.1.2}
this is a frame.
\subsection{subsection 2.2}
\begin{frame}{frame 2.2.1}
this is a frame.
\begin{frame}{frame 2.2.2}
this is a frame.
当我导航到框架 1.1.1
我更改了导航栏定义中的一行,您可以找到标记为% HERE
% theme
\hbox to #1{{%
\usebeamerfont{section in sidebar}\usebeamercolor[fg]{section in sidebar}%
{\usebeamertemplate{section in sidebar}}%
{\usebeamertemplate{section in sidebar}}%
{\usebeamertemplate{section in sidebar}}% HERE
{\usebeamertemplate{section in sidebar shaded}}%
\usebeamerfont{subsection in sidebar}\usebeamercolor[fg]{subsection in sidebar}%
{\usebeamertemplate{subsection in sidebar}}%
{\usebeamertemplate{subsection in sidebar shaded}}%
{\usebeamertemplate{subsection in sidebar shaded}}%
{\usebeamertemplate{subsection in sidebar shaded}}%
\usebeamerfont{subsubsection in sidebar}\usebeamercolor[fg]{subsubsection in sidebar}%
{\usebeamertemplate{subsubsection in sidebar}}%
{\usebeamertemplate{subsubsection in sidebar shaded}}%
{\usebeamertemplate{subsubsection in sidebar shaded}}%
{\usebeamertemplate{subsubsection in sidebar shaded}}%
\title{Title of the Presentation}
\author{Author Author}
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]
\section{section 1}
\subsection{subsection 1.1}
\begin{frame}{frame 1.1.1}
this is a frame.
\begin{frame}{frame 1.1.2}
this is a frame.
\subsection{subsection 1.2}
\begin{frame}{frame 1.2.1}
this is a frame.
\begin{frame}{frame 1.2.2}
this is a frame.
\section{section 2}
\subsection{subsection 2.1}
\begin{frame}{frame 2.1.1}
this is a frame.
\begin{frame}{frame 2.1.2}
this is a frame.
\subsection{subsection 2.2}
\begin{frame}{frame 2.2.1}
this is a frame.
\begin{frame}{frame 2.2.2}
this is a frame.