带有节计数器的 tcolorbox 定理的超链接(带 hyperref)不正确

带有节计数器的 tcolorbox 定理的超链接(带 hyperref)不正确

在以下 MWE 中,单击创建的超链接\ref{thm:labelOfTheorem}无法按预期工作:PDF 不会跳转到定理,而是跳转到定义。


\newtcbtheorem[number within = section]{theobox}{Theorem}{}{thm}
\newtcbtheorem[use counter from=theobox]{defbox}{Definition}{}{def}
%\newtcbtheorem{defbox}{Definition}{}{def} % A) Use this line instead of the above and the reference works



    Something defined here

\section{Another Section} % B) Comment this line out and the reference works

    A Theorem

The proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:labelOfTheorem} is left as an exercise to the reader.


超链接的所需行为可以通过两种方式实现(参见 MWE 中的评论):

  • use counter from=theoboxA )不要defbox
  • B) 不要开始新的section




当您使用该部分重置计数器时,表示\the<counter>不再唯一,因此 hyperref 创建了两个具有相同名称的目标。您会在日志中收到一条警告:

destination with the same identifier (name{tcb@[email protected]}) has been 
already used, duplicate ignored

避免这种情况的典型方法是定义计数器表示的 \theH 版本:


\newtcbtheorem[number within = section]{theobox}{Theorem}{}{thm}
\newtcbtheorem[use counter from=theobox]{defbox}{Definition}{}{def}
%\newtcbtheorem{defbox}{Definition}{}{def} % A) Use this line instead of the above and the reference works



    Something defined here

\section{Another Section} % B) Comment this line out and the reference works

    A Theorem

The proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:labelOfTheorem} is left as an exercise to the reader.

