下面是一个代码,在不加载 hyperref 的情况下可以运行,但在加载 hyperref 时(使用 LuaLaTeX 和 shell escape),即使是最后一个包,也无法编译。以下是输出的最后几行:
Package lastpage Warning: Rerun to get the references right on input line 60.
AED: lastpage setting LastPage
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
l.60 \end{document}
我不知道出了什么问题。我在这里读过很多关于处理与 hyperref 相关的困难的答案,但没有一个能解决问题。
\documentclass[11pt,svgnames, english, french]{article}
\usepackage{babel}\frenchsetup{og=«, fg=»}
\usepackage{array, amsmath, bm, colortbl, enumitem, esvect, etoolbox, fancyvrb, fontawesome, fourier-otf, graphicx, icomma, ifthen, marvosym, minted, multicol, multirow, relsize, tasks, textcomp, url, xcolor, xparse, xspace}
\usepackage[object=vectorian]{pgfornament} %% http://altermundus.com/pages/tkz/ornament/index.html
%\usepackage[unicode]{hyperref} % <<<--- UNCOMMENT TO SEE BUG !
val/.style={circle, fill=black, text=white, text centered, font=\small\bfseries, text width=2.2ex, inner sep=.3ex, outer sep=0mm},
link/.style={-{Latex[length=3mm,width=5mm]}, shorten >=1.5ex, line width=1.5ex} }
\node[val] (p-0-0) at (0,0) {1};
\foreach \row in {1,...,\depth} {
\node[val] (p-\row-0) at (0,-\row) {1};
\foreach \col in {1,...,\row} {
% iterative formula : val = precval * (row-col+1)/col (+ 0.5 to bypass rounding errors)
\coordinate (pos) at (\col,-\row);
\node[val] (p-\row-\col) at (pos) {} ;
\ifnum \col<\row
\begin{scope}[transparency group, opacity=.4]
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\opacity}{80 - 60 * abs(mod(\col-\row, 2))}
\draw[link, blue!\opacity!red] (p-\prow-\pcol.center) node[fill, white, circle, inner sep=1ex] {} -| node[fill, circle, inner sep=1ex] {} (p-\row-\col.center);
\end{scope} ;
\pgfmathparse{\col<=\row && \row<\depth}
\ifnum \pgfmathresult>0
\node at ($(p-\row-\pcol)!0.5!(p-\row-\col)$) {+} ;
\node[val] at (pos) {\value} ; } }
大写 V),问题似乎就解决了。
一般来说,使用已在基本 TeX 或 LaTeX 代码中使用的自定义宏名称不是一个好主意。该宏\value
除此之外,您还应该检查是否真的需要加载所有这些包。我简化了您的示例,以包含 MWE 真正需要的宏和库(当然仍然包括包hyperref
val/.style={circle, fill=black, text=white, text centered, font=\small\bfseries, text width=2.2ex, inner sep=.3ex, outer sep=0mm},
link/.style={-{Latex[length=3mm,width=5mm]}, shorten >=1.5ex, line width=1.5ex} }
\node[val] (p-0-0) at (0,0) {1};
\foreach \row in {1,...,\depth} {
\node[val] (p-\row-0) at (0,-\row) {1};
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Value}{1}; % <-- !
\foreach \col in {1,...,\row} {
% iterative formula : val = precval * (row-col+1)/col (+ 0.5 to bypass rounding errors)
\coordinate (pos) at (\col,-\row);
\node[val] (p-\row-\col) at (pos) {};
\ifnum \col<\row
\begin{scope}[transparency group, opacity=.4]
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\opacity}{80 - 60 * abs(mod(\col-\row, 2))}
\draw[link, blue!\opacity!red] (p-\prow-\pcol.center) node[fill, white, circle, inner sep=1ex] {} -| node[fill, circle, inner sep=1ex] {} (p-\row-\col.center);
\pgfmathparse{\col<=\row && \row<\depth}
\ifnum \pgfmathresult>0
\node at ($(p-\row-\pcol)!0.5!(p-\row-\col)$) {+};
\node[val] at (pos) {\Value}; } }