

我正在尝试制作一个个人备忘单,用于 (主要) Sublime Text 和 Openbox (Linux 窗口管理器) 中的键盘快捷键。我发现了这个漂亮的模板:


它几乎可以完成我想要的所有功能,除了能够用不同的颜色为不同的键部分着色会非常有用。我认为关键在于这里第 73-94 行中键环境的定义:

  % \begin{center}
      \node (tbl) [inner sep=0pt] {
        \draw[rounded corners=2pt,top color=TableHead,bottom color=TableHead, draw=white]
        ($(tbl.north west)-(0,-0.05)$) rectangle ($(tbl.north east)-(0.0,0.15)$);
        \draw[rounded corners=2pt,top color=TableHead,bottom color=TableHead, draw=white]
        ($(tbl.south west)-(0.0,-0.11)$) rectangle ($(tbl.south east)-(-0.0,-0.02)$);
  % \end{center}

然而,我的 Latex 水平不够,无法解决这个问题。理想情况下,定义的键命令应该有另一个参数,以便:


    Control (Ctrl) key  & \texttt{C} \\
    Alt (Meta) key      & \texttt{M} \\
    Shift key           & \texttt{S} \\
    Command (Super) key & \texttt{CMD} \\
    Function (Fn) key   & \texttt{fn} \\
    Home/end            & \texttt{fn-left / fn-right} \\


    Control (Ctrl) key  & \texttt{C} \\
    Alt (Meta) key      & \texttt{M} \\
    Shift key           & \texttt{S} \\
    Command (Super) key & \texttt{CMD} \\
    Function (Fn) key   & \texttt{fn} \\
    Home/end            & \texttt{fn-left / fn-right} \\


下面是模板的 pdf 输出的图示,用颜色注释以使其更加清晰。






\pagestyle{empty} % Turn off header and footer

         \node (tbl) [inner sep=0pt] \bgroup
         \end{tabular}\egroup ;
         \draw[rounded corners=2pt,top color=#2,bottom color=#2, draw=white]
         ($(tbl.north west)-(0,-0.05)$) rectangle ($(tbl.north east)-(0.0,0.15)$);
         \draw[rounded corners=2pt,top color=#2,bottom color=#2, draw=white]
         ($(tbl.south west)-(0.0,-0.11)$) rectangle ($(tbl.south east)-(-0.0,-0.02)$);



Small text.

  Control (Ctrl) key  & \texttt{C} \\
  Alt (Meta) key      & \texttt{M} \\
  Shift key           & \texttt{S} \\
  Command (Super) key & \texttt{CMD} \\
  Function (Fn) key   & \texttt{fn} \\
  Home/end            & \texttt{fn-left / fn-right} \\

  Execute command by name          & \texttt{M-x} \\
  Cancel command                   & \texttt{C-g} \\
  Exit Emacs                       & \texttt{C-x C-c} \\
  Help: describe a key combination & \texttt{C-h k} \\
  Help: describe a function        & \texttt{C-h f} \\




根据 F. Pantigny 的回答,我修改了模板,使其包含原始模板的多列布局。我还将 xcolor 从



以便能够访问 x11names 中的所有精彩颜色(在包文档中列出,但更好的概述这是


%% Copyright 2020 Alexander Yakushev
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Alexander Yakushev.
% This work consists of the files latex-cheatsheet-template.tex.





\pagestyle{empty} % Turn off header and footer

% \renewcommand\rmdefault{phv} % Arial
% \renewcommand\sfdefault{phv} % Arial

% Redefine section commands to use less space
  {-1ex plus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
  {0.5ex plus .2ex}%x
  {-1explus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
  {0.5ex plus .2ex}%
  {-1ex plus -.5ex minus -.2ex}%
  {1ex plus .2ex}%

\setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % Don't print section numbers
\setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 0.5ex}

\definecolor{TableHead}{rgb}{0.353, 0.329, 0.667}
\definecolor{TableRow}{rgb}{0.816, 0.812, 0.902}

         \node (tbl) [inner sep=0pt] \bgroup
         \end{tabular}\egroup ;
         \draw[rounded corners=2pt,top color=#2,bottom color=#2, draw=white]
         ($(tbl.north west)-(0,-0.05)$) rectangle ($(tbl.north east)-(0.0,0.15)$);
         \draw[rounded corners=2pt,top color=#2,bottom color=#2, draw=white]
         ($(tbl.south west)-(0.0,-0.11)$) rectangle ($(tbl.south east)-(-0.0,-0.02)$);



  \Large{\underline{My cheatsheet}}


% change when one column isn't enough, up to 3 columns will work

\centering\section{Sublime Text}

\begin{keys}{Move text}{DeepPink4}{DeepPink4!35}
    Control (Ctrl) key  & \texttt{C} \\
    Alt (Meta) key      & \texttt{M} \\
    Shift key           & \texttt{S} \\
    Command (Super) key & \texttt{CMD} \\
    Function (Fn) key   & \texttt{fn} \\
    Home/end            & \texttt{fn-left / fn-right} \\

    Execute command by name          & \texttt{M-x} \\
    Cancel command                   & \texttt{C-g} \\
    Exit Emacs                       & \texttt{C-x C-c} \\
    Help: describe a key combination & \texttt{C-h k} \\
    Help: describe a function        & \texttt{C-h f} \\



    Control (Ctrl) key  & \texttt{C} \\
    Alt (Meta) key      & \texttt{M} \\
    Shift key           & \texttt{S} \\
    Command (Super) key & \texttt{CMD} \\
    Function (Fn) key   & \texttt{fn} \\
    Home/end            & \texttt{fn-left / fn-right} \\


